Reason #205

I have recorded all of the Olympics on my DVR. Really, I'm not sure how that even happened. Anyhow, I keep forgetting to watch it live, so it has worked out in my favor I suppose. I just fast forward to the parts I like and skip over the events I don't care for. I really just like to watch diving and gymnastics. I remember when I was a little girl, I always felt so motivated after watching the gymnasts. For just a short stint of time, I would entertain the idea of asking my mom to re-enroll me in tumbling thinking that maybe, just maybe, I'd somehow be really good at it and find myself flipping for medals. Well, that didn't happen... obviously. But even now, being in my 20's, I still get a little motivated watching those tiny teens flip around and I entertain the idea of attempting a cartwheel (don't want to be too ambitious). I haven't done it yet, but maybe by the end of the Olympics I'll give it a try to see if I've still got it or not.

As I watched the gymnasts compete today, I realized that I could hear their teammates yelling for them. I would hear them saying things like, "You've got this! Good job! Wooo! You can do this!" And they would cheer them on. They would clap for them, encourage them, and as soon as the one competing stepped off the mat, they would run up to her and hug her, congratulating her on a job well done. They were happy for one another, realizing that each one was impacted by the other's performance. They were a team, and every score counted, so they spurred one another one. They motivated each other, and they supported one another. And I suppose their tactic worked, because they got the gold medal!

And I thought about life and how important and vital it is to have that support. To have someone on the sidelines yelling for you, spurring you on. How helpful it is to hear those words of encouragement. Because sometimes, we face scary situations. Sometimes, we get a little stage fright. Sometimes, we just need to hear a comforting voice assuring us that we've got this, this thing called life. And we can do this! We can get through it. We can press forward and move on. And I thought about how many "teammates" I've been blessed with. I thought about how many sweet friends I've had who have watched me, spurred me on, yelled for me, clapped for me, embraced me, and supported me. I've had my moments. Moments where I wasn't sure I could do it. I wasn't sure I could make it through. Im fact, I really wasn't sure what to do. But they were there. Sweet voices yelling out the right words at the right time. Words that gave me courage, words that helped me to be brave, words that comforted me, and words that built me up.

And so I'm grateful that I don't have to go through life alone. I'm thankful that I've been surrounded by an incredible group of uplifting teammates who have cheered me on to victory. Teammates who have challenged me, helped me to grow, worked through the rough parts with me, and have helped me to emerge as a stronger person. Because life really is so much better, so much easier, when you don't have to go it alone.

#205 - Teammates!

"Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another —and all the more as you see the Day approaching. " - Hebrews 10:23-25


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