Reason #218

I had brunch with a dear friend this morning, one of my favorite things to do. Truthfully, my day was full of favorites. As we ate our bagels. we talked about new life, new expereinces, new blessings. We marveled at how good God is, how He provides exactly what you need when you need it. And she said, "It just goes to show that everything really is okay." And it is. Truth be told, when God is on your side, everything is more than okay. Usually, it's more than you ever even imagined! Well, my sweet friend surprised me with a birthday gift. So thoughtful! I unwrapped the silver paper from the long skinny box, and I was excited because I quickly recognized that this was a box that most likely contained jewelry. She knows me well! I pulled the lid off and admired the beautiful necklace that she had picked out just for me. A silver necklace with the cutout of a tree. So unique, so beautiful. She explained to me the symbolism behind it and why she wanted me to have it. Trees, strong sturdy plans that grow over time, through seasons, plants that can withstand much. Trees have roots that go deep, and even though trees go through season of loss, they always experience new life. What joy to see the buds every spring, the anticipation of new life. And nothing is more beautiful than to see a tree, full of leaves, after it just faced a hard winter.

My friend, Lisa, shared some information with me a few weeks ago about trees. She said that droughts are actually productive for trees. When a tree is facing a hard season of drought, the tree's roots are forced to dig deeper into the ground to find water and nourshiment. By doing so, the tree grows stronger and becomes more stabilized. The tree can then withstand a harsher season in the future because it has a stronger foundation. It's deeply rooted, and it has learned how to survive through difficult circumstances.

“But blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence. They are like trees planted along a riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water. Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought. Their leaves stay green, and they never stop producing fruit." - Jeremiah 17:7-8

I faced long months of drought. Miserable heat waves and wondering when and if the environment would ever change. Just a little rain, really, that's all I was asking for. A sprinkle here or there would be nice and refreshing. But I didn't have that. I had heat. Heat and wind. And so I was forced to dig deeper. I had no choice. Well, I did have a choice but I wanted to survive and so my only option was to search for the refreshement, for the nourishment. So I began to dig. I knew He would refresh me and strengthen me, but I had never really been challenged to rely on that because I had never faced this kind of environment before. I was used to rain, moisture, easy access to water. I was used to thriving in a pretty pleasant environment. So now was the time. I had been given water before but now it was time to dig down deep and really rely on that hope and confidence to get me through the rough season. And He did. He quenched that thirst more than I thought possible at the time. He provided relief from the heat and wind. He kept me going, growing. The sustainer, He most definitely is.

And so the rain has begun to fall, blessings flowing and often times engulfing me. But I'm so thankful for that drought. I'm thankful for that painfully hot season, for those days where the wind whipped me back and forth. I'm thankful for the challenge it presented me. Because had I not faced that, had I not been given the opportunity to seek and find, I don't know that I would have. Really, I think I would have been just fine with surface level roots that had easy access to the water. But now, I don't feel the same way. Now, I'm thankful that I've learned how and where to find water when it's not at arm's length. I'm grateful that He showed me that He didn't need monsoons, light showers or even flowing rivers to sustain me. He just needed me to dig deeper. Look and search, have hope and confidence. And, just like every other tree, my seasons have come full circle. Even though, I am grateful for every leaf that returned after the harsh winter, I'm most grateful for the deeper roots. Roots that hold me firm, roots that keep me securely planted, roots that know how to withstand much, and roots that have learned to draw nourishment from the real source of life!

#218 - Droughts that cause deeper roots.

"Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness." - Colossians 2:7


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