Reason #210

I sat in a Shane & Shane concert in October. Fortunately, for me, Bethany Dillion was there, too. I remember sitting in the sanctuary next to my cousin. My sweet, precious cousin who knew this was just what I needed. Time in the Lord's presence, time in His house, time worshiping Him. There wasn't a whole lot of good going on at that moment in my life. Stuck waiting. Waiting for an outcome and unsure of what was ahead of me. And I was frustrated, mad, angry, in shock. There wasn't a positive feeling pulsing through my veins. I didn't understand and to be truthful, I didn't like it. I so desperately needed to be there, to hear the words of praise being sung to the Most High God, but I felt like a fraud because all I could think about was "Why me? Why won't you mend this? What did I do to deserve this? Hurry, fix it!"

Bethany Dillon stood on the stage and slowly began to strum her guitar. The words flowed from her mouth and my heart stood still. A peace flooded me as she began to sing a song of waiting. Waiting for the Lord to act, waiting for the Lord to move. And trusting that He would. Trusting that He would do more during that time of waiting that I ever could. And the chorus stuck with me and I thought of those words often.

And so the months passed and I waited from one thing to the next. And many were the nights I poured out my discouraged heart at His feet. Many were the moments I just had to be bluntly honest and tell Him I didn't think I could do it much longer. I hated waiting for Him to move and act. I hated being still some days. But I had no choice because I realized that my human efforts were being wasted. Patience was the key. Because the truth is, He never stopped acting, He never stopped moving. And I realized that when it seemed as if I was waiting, it was because I wasn't really waiting. I was rushing Him. Trying to push Him to act in my favor. Seeing if I could somehow persuade Him to do what I wanted. So I had to wait. I had to wait and stop being selfish and stubborn. And when I would stop, the wait wasn't so bad. And when I rested in the waiting, He moved and did incredible things. Things that were in my favor, I just didn't realize it at the time.

And so I'm thankful for a God who makes us wait until the best possible time. I'm thankful that no amount of human pushing or persuading speeds up His perfectly time schedule or changes His divinely thought our plans. And we can rest assured that when we wait, when we come to Him expectant and trust His timing, He'll do way more than we could have ever imagined!

#210 - Because when we wait, the timing is always perfect!

"O my people, trust in him at all times. Pour out your heart to him, for God is our refuge." - Psalm 62:8


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