Reason #217

I prayed about it a few years ago. Wondering how I would bring it up, wondering how I could work it into the conversation effectively and not offensively. I felt compelled to do something, to say something, but I just didn't know what. And, truthfully, I was a little scared and intimidated to do it. I wasn't sure how it would be received, or if it would even be received. And so after a while, I just sort of gave up. I didn't really think about it anymore. Occasionally, the though would cross my mind but I never made mention of it.

This summer, I was presented with another chance to say something. The Lord works in divine ways, crossing paths uniquely and intentionally, and so the perfect opportunity arose, not by my own doing, mind you, and I decided I would finally say something. So I sat at a table in the break room at work eating breakfast and I began to tell this story of connections. As I wove this story in a manner that would give me the perfect segway into finally saying what I had been attempting, yet avoiding, to say for almost 2 years, she said it right to me. In fact, she answered my question before I could even ask it. And I was blown away! I could hardly believe it. And the joy inside rose quickly as I began to realize that God was working in moving, even when I wasn't.

So the summer progressed and I became intentional, however, not much happened past that May morning breakfast, and so I gave up again. This week, back in the break room eating lunch, the question was presented once more. I was caught off guard because I had become completely oblivious to it all. Doing my own thing, being busy with my own life, I had forgotten. The opportunity had returned and this time and I really hoped and prayed that it wouldn't fall through.

I checked my e-mail this morning and my heart was overwhelmed as I realized that this special opportunity that was presented to me almost 2 years ago has grown and grown, little by little, even when I wasn't being intentional. When I was being scared, when I wasn't being brave, when I was being mindless, when I was so forgetful, He never was. Because He has always cared, He is always mindful and He never forgets. He doesn't overlook any of His children, but rather watches each one closely, working in their lives through circumstances and situations that they are often times unaware of to draw them to Himself. And I realized how He has been doing that in my life, in this situation. Because it needed time. Time to develop, time to grow, time to deepen, time to really prove, and time to soften. And so, being the intentional God He is, He made sure that the circumstances and opportunities lined up so that a beautiful collision would happen. And I just praise Him that He allows me to be a part of such amazing things. I praise Him that He works through such a forgetful, absent minded, nervous, girl. And mostly, I'm so grateful to know that even when I'm being stagnant, even when I let things hold me back, even when I don't do what I know I should, He doesn't stop working and moving. He changes hearts, He changes circumstances, He is constantly intentional and incredibly compassionate in all He does, and when we finally start to obey, open our eyes to the world around us, and let Him change us from the inside out, beautiful things begin to take place!

#217 - Because He doesn't stop working even if we do!

"The humble will see their God at work and be glad. Let all who seek God’s help be encouraged." - Psalm 69:32


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