Reason #208

Worn out. Traveling for work takes a toll on me. Not only sleep wise but waist wise, too! But deep down, I always look forward to going out of town for work. I like being in a different environment every now and them. Most of all, I like getting to see and meet my co-workers. I have hundreds of co-workers. Hundreds that has turned into thousands. I know a lot of their names, I've talked to most of them on the phone, but I don't know what a majority of them look like.

The fortunate thing about my job is that I get to meet new people all the time. I am constantly building new relationships. Some last longer than others, some go deeper than others. Some, especially this one, seem to be divine.

In October, she began working for the bank. It was her first week. Little did she know, her first week on the job was the first week my world began caving. The week it all started to fall apart. This girl, beautiful, sweet, and funny, had a story similar to mine. I couldn't believe it, either. And she shared her story with me. We sat at breakfast and she told me details. She didn't know that soon her story would be my story. She had no clue that my story was just beginning. And I remember thinking that week, "if this happened to her, it can happen to me to." I remember sharing with my mom how I felt as if this was soon going to be me. The likelihood of walking in her shoes was very high. But I never told my co-worker. I didn't breathe a word. My heart just broke for her, for me, and I desperately prayed that things would go differently.

But this girl, sweet and beautiful as she is, was different. She didn't seem bitter or angry. She had pieced her life back together and seemed to be genuinely happy. She had moved on and was hopeful for a better future. In fact, a brighter future was already coming to fruition for her. I admired her. I admired her strength and openness. I admired how she had successfully moved foward. I realized, in my terrified state, how brave she was. And after two weeks, she left training and returned home.

Six months later, I found out that this sweet co-worker was scheduled to return for cross-training. She was actually scheduled to come a month earlier, but I was going to be in Hungary so her training date was moved back. By this time, she was well aware of what had happened. She realized that we were now in the same boat. We had walked the same path, only I was still fighting my way through it. On Monday, we talked and she encouraged me. Feeling somewhat stronger and braver than the last time I saw her, I thanked her for her kind words and was grateful to have someone who understood. Little did I know, that night was going to be a hard night. A low blow. An unexpected set back. And so I spent that night and the next morning in tears. I finally pulled myself together enough to go work. When I arrived to the office, she was waiting for me. And she stood with me for a lengthy amount of time and she listened. She encouraged me. She understood. And she was the only one who could do that. She gave me hope and, just by being present, reminded me that it was absolutely possible to move on. It was possible to rebuild my life, and a better one at that. She reminded me that the worst was over and good things were ahead. And most of all, by her example, I realized that I could do this. I could find happiness again. I could hold my head high rather than hang it in shame. I could be brave, too! And she said, "It's going to get so much better!"

I saw her this week. I stood at her teller window today and we talked about life. I caught her up on what all was going on and she said, "I can tell you're back to the old you. You look good, full of life, and happy!" And as I shared more and more of what God was doing in my life she said, "Isn't it so good? So much better?"

She was right, it did get better. And, truthfully, I don't think that I've quite reached the best part yet. But I look back and I see how the Lord provided for me at just the right time. How He organized and orchestrated things in our lives so that our paths would cross just when I needed it. When I needed an example, when I needed encouragement, when I needed someone who truly understood, He made sure I had that. But that's just how our God works. He always has something better for us!

#208 - Because He brings along better things just when we need them!

Many people say, “Who will show us better times?" Let your face smile on us, Lord. You have given me greater joy than those who have abundant harvests of grain and new wine. - Psalm 4:6-7


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