Reason #300
I love reaching the 100 marks! I just love numbers. I really do! They are so factual. You can’t argue with them, you can’t disagree with them, and they are a great source of measurement. I love looking back at my older posts and figuring up how many days have passed between now and then, and with this fabulous numbering system, it only takes mere seconds to figure that out.
What’s the deal with November? Seriously, I have 4 days this month that I do not have something scheduled, today being one of them. But I like having things to look forward to so I’m not complaining. Anyhow, Wednesdays are usually pretty busy for me. As you know, I started a Wednesday night bible study with a friend of mine a few months ago. I usually don’t get home until 9:00 or later on bible study nights. Instead of going home after work, I always opt to work late and grab a bite to eat before heading to the study. Chick-fil-A has become my Wednesday night dinner stop. I walked in to the restaurant around 5:30. All Lubbockites know how packed Chick-fil-A is… all the time! Rarely can you go there and not see cars wrapped around the building twice. But I walked in and it wasn’t very busy. Of course, it never fails that I see someone I know when I go eat there. My eyes were drawn to a full table and I saw someone that I knew. I don’t know her very well, but I know who she is and I know a little about her. From afar, I observed her eating dinner with her family. Now, from any outsider’s view, it looked simply like that. Family dinner. But as I watched them eat their chicken nuggets and waffle fries, I saw more than that. My heart rejoiced because I saw an answered prayer.
We go to church together. She and I do. Her family does, too. One Sunday this summer, she tapped me on the shoulder, introduced herself and told me a brief bit about herself. I knew of her. I had seen her before. I wasn’t sure she knew me. I wasn’t sure she knew my name or knew anything about me but she did. And so she shared with me and I began praying for her. Sometimes, on the drive to work, her name would pop into my head and I’d say a prayer. I didn’t keep up with her and, until last night, I hadn’t seen her since that Sunday morning. But I was really grateful for what I saw. Most of all, I was so grateful that God had answered prayers. I was really happy for her, too. I can only imagine the joy she must feel deep down inside because of what God has done for her. So I was thankful He allowed me to see that, too. Thankful for proof that He does answer prayers.
I love when God allows us to see those answers. I love when you pray so specifically for something and He does exactly that. It brings such a great sense of joy to witness the power of prayer. What a blessing it is, too, to pray for someone else and see that God answered your prayers on their behalf. I love that we can do that for one another, that He allows us to lift each other up and experience His might and power through one another’s lives. Because whether God is workings and moving in your life or in the life of someone else, it’s a pretty amazing thing to witness. It’s awesome to experience and awesome to see.
And so I don’t know. I don’t know why God chooses to answer prayers a certain way for one person and differently for another. I don’t know why He says yes to some and no to others. I don’t know why He answers some prayers quickly while others have to wait. And I don’t know why He allows us to see some answers and never see others. But we can rest assured that when we pray, He hears us. And in due time, one way or another, whether we realize it or not, He will answer.
#300 – Because He lets us witness the answers to our prayers we pray for one another.
"I am praying to you because I know you will answer, O God. Bend down and listen as I pray. Show me your unfailing love in wonderful ways." - Psalm 17:6-7
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