Reason #309
Do you ever have those days that are just good? Good from the start until the end. Days where everything goes well. Days that are full of your favorite things. Days where you get to spend time with your favorite people doing things you love. Days that you wouldn't change. Today was one of those days for me. I really apprecaite days like these!
I have developed a new appreciation for life. I really have. Because the truth is, I spent a good 24 years being oblivious to goodness. Really, more than that, I felt entitled to receive only goodness. I expected it, and for the most part, everything was pretty good. But I didn't really understand true goodness, God's goodness that is. I didn't apprecaite it either.
"Two, four, six, eight, who do we apprecaite....?"
Really, who do we really apprecaite? Or what do we apprecaite for that matter? That's a good question, and I don't know that it ever gets answered. Because most of the time, our appreciation is contingent on the circumstance. Appreciation is doled out based on performance. But maybe we can't answer that question because we live in a world that hardly appreciates anything due to our entitled outlook on life. And maybe we can't really appreciate things because we take them for granted. I don't know the answer, but I know that because of the journey God has taken me on, I now apprecaite things I never did before. Really, they were things I was blind to. Things I never considered or thought about. Things I didn't truly understand. So here is what I have come to appreciate:
Second Chances
New Beginnings
Unwaivering Love
This list could be miles long, but when I look at some of these things, I realize that these define God. These things describe our Creator. And so, I suppose I could admit that I haven't always truly apprecaited Him or what He has done for me. That's a hard thing to admit, too. But God is good, and in His goodness He has taught me about these things. Each in a different way. Through a person, a circumstance, an answered prayer, a song, a sermon, He's not been limited in His ways. And because of what God has done, because of how I have come to know and see Him, I apprecaite these things more than ever. I don't take them for granted and realize how incredibly fortunate I am to experience each one in my life.
So today was a day of apprecaition. A day packed full of goodness in so many different ways. A day of redemption and the beginning process of second chances. A day full of companionship, love and joy. Because I am a girl who realizes she has been restored and couldn't be more thankful for what God has done for her. One who apprecaites the little things, things that used to not be a big deal which are now, things that were unseen which have become seen, things that I wouldn't change for the world. And, truthfully, my heart couldn't be more appreciative.
#309 - Because of His goodness.
"You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing. You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy, that I might sing praises to you and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever!" - Psalm 30:11-12
I have developed a new appreciation for life. I really have. Because the truth is, I spent a good 24 years being oblivious to goodness. Really, more than that, I felt entitled to receive only goodness. I expected it, and for the most part, everything was pretty good. But I didn't really understand true goodness, God's goodness that is. I didn't apprecaite it either.
"Two, four, six, eight, who do we apprecaite....?"
Really, who do we really apprecaite? Or what do we apprecaite for that matter? That's a good question, and I don't know that it ever gets answered. Because most of the time, our appreciation is contingent on the circumstance. Appreciation is doled out based on performance. But maybe we can't answer that question because we live in a world that hardly appreciates anything due to our entitled outlook on life. And maybe we can't really appreciate things because we take them for granted. I don't know the answer, but I know that because of the journey God has taken me on, I now apprecaite things I never did before. Really, they were things I was blind to. Things I never considered or thought about. Things I didn't truly understand. So here is what I have come to appreciate:
Second Chances
New Beginnings
Unwaivering Love
This list could be miles long, but when I look at some of these things, I realize that these define God. These things describe our Creator. And so, I suppose I could admit that I haven't always truly apprecaited Him or what He has done for me. That's a hard thing to admit, too. But God is good, and in His goodness He has taught me about these things. Each in a different way. Through a person, a circumstance, an answered prayer, a song, a sermon, He's not been limited in His ways. And because of what God has done, because of how I have come to know and see Him, I apprecaite these things more than ever. I don't take them for granted and realize how incredibly fortunate I am to experience each one in my life.
So today was a day of apprecaition. A day packed full of goodness in so many different ways. A day of redemption and the beginning process of second chances. A day full of companionship, love and joy. Because I am a girl who realizes she has been restored and couldn't be more thankful for what God has done for her. One who apprecaites the little things, things that used to not be a big deal which are now, things that were unseen which have become seen, things that I wouldn't change for the world. And, truthfully, my heart couldn't be more appreciative.
#309 - Because of His goodness.
"You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing. You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy, that I might sing praises to you and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever!" - Psalm 30:11-12
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