Reason #313

Today was one of those days. I felt like I hit a brick wall before lunch. I drove to the Houston airport thinking about how anxious I was to get home, and I had 7 hours between then and when I would actually be back in Lubbock. I bought a couple of books, read half of one, and just couldn't seem to get comfortable. All I wanted was to put on a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt and take a nap. Of course the fact that today is Thanksgiving Eve made me want to be home even more.

Seven hours later, I finally made it home.. exhausted. In fact, I am actually going to bed without unpacking my suitcase, which slightly bothers me yet I am too tired to do it right now. But I am thankful to be back in my cozy home. Thankful for my sweet little dog who has now assumed her cuddling spot and is keeping me warm. Thankful for my dear mom who cleaned my house while I was gone and put fresh sheets on my bed. Thankful for the hot shower that washed off the airplane scent. Thankful that I am headed into a long weekend because I need some sleep! Thanksgiving always comes at the perfect time, doesn't it?!

So I know I should probably list out what I'm most thankful for, but I've pretty much laid it all out there for 313 days now. Friends, family, work, home, church, America, freedom, love, good food, a gracious God... there really isn't anything I am not thankful for. And truthfully, I believe, of anyone, I have the most to be thankful for. Really, I do! And so, as simple as it may be, here's what I am thankful for on this Thanksgiving Eve.

I am thankful that tomorrow I get to spend the day with the people I love the most. People who have impacted my life in really big ways. People who have loved me, and I mean really loved me, unconditionally. People who bring a lot of joy and happiness to my life. And although I keep complaining about the fact that I am becoming a little over zealous with my food intake, I am looking forward to enjoying a really delicious meal with them. I am thankful that God has done big, drastic things for us between last year's Thanksgiving and this year's Thanksgiving, and I'm thankful that He's not finished.

And so, to sum it all up, I'm thankful God has allowed me another Thanksgiving. Another holiday to spend with the people I love, reflecting on His goodness as we count our many blessings. And, the truth is, He has poured out an abundance of blessings on us this year. God is so good!

#313 - Holidays, long weekends, and quality time with the people I love the most!

"Give thanks to the Lord and proclaim his greatness. Let the whole world know what he has done. Sing to him; yes, sing his praises. Tell everyone about his wonderful deeds." - 1 Chronicles 16:8-9


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