Reason #319

I didn’t want a dog. I didn’t grow up with animals, was scared of dogs as a child, and I just saw them as burdens. Little furry critters that took up time, money and energy. The thing about having a pet as a child is that you get to enjoy the luxury of a pet without the work of a pet. Everyone knows that moms take on the “pet raising” responsibilities. So I just didn’t want one.
I got a puppy almost 2 years ago. My first real puppy. The first few weeks I had her, I wondered what I had done. Why did I agree to take on this responsibility? But she was sweet, and she was just a puppy after all. I remember how scared she was when I brought her home. So tiny! She shivered and cowered and looked completely confused. She slept at the very back of her kennel the first night, and I woke up the next morning surprised that she had stayed quiet all night. I drug her out of her tiny, pink kennel and took her outside to play. She stood in the backyard unsure of what to do. And so, in a very awkward and weird way, I began leaping around my backyard in my slippers and housecoat. She slowly began to chase me, and I felt like this was a starting point for us. Sometimes, if you want someone to warm up to you, you just have to make a fool of yourself and show them that you really want to build a good relationship with them. It didn’t take long for us to become best friends.
It wasn’t long before Scout whined her way into bed at night. For the first few weeks, she slept on my head. Of course, when you only weigh a few pounds, you can get away with stuff like that. I liked to think snuggling my hair reminded her of her mother. Eventually, she discovered the warmest and most comfy spot was under the sheets in the crook of my legs. And so we slowly began to establish our little routine and I quickly wondered how I had managed to go through life ever thinking I could do without the love of a pet.
Scout is a dog, I know. But to me, Scout is more than just a pet. Scout has been a consistent source of comfort and joy during my darkest days. In the ugliest, most sorrowful, heart wrenching moments, she would curl up in my lap as if to let me know she was right there should I need her. Some times, you don’t feel like talking. Some times you just need to be comforted in the silence. And the nice thing about pets is that you can be your full, vulnerable self around them and they love you unconditionally. They don’t ask questions, they don’t shy away or treat you differently, rather, they just love on you. You can tell them whatever you want and they’ll listen. You can keep your words to yourself and they’ll gladly sit in the silence with you. You can let your tears fall on their fur and they won’t budge or get mad that you’re covering them with salty drops. They’ll go anywhere with you. They’ll do anything to please you and make you happy. They’ll accept you just the way you are. They admire you. They rejoice every time you come home, and they act as if you’re the most important person on plant earth. And so I love Scout dearly because Scout loves me. In fact, I’ll venture to say Scout has taught me new things about love and shown me what real, loyal, unconditional love looks like. And if there is one creature who has literally stayed by my side through everything, and I mean everything, it’s her.
Today is my sweet girl’s 2nd birthday! I can’t believe she’s 2 already. Scout is a remarkable girl! She’s smart, super sweet, incredibly cute and the best snuggler that ever existed. I’ve definitely turned into one of “those people.” One of those who buys sweaters and Halloween outfits for her dog, whose phone is full of dog photos, who treats her dog as a person rather than a dog, who has given her pet way too many silly “pet-names,” and who would gladly shell out any dollar amount to make sure she’s safe, healthy, and happy. Yep, I’m one of “those people.” But if you had the love of this dog, you’d soon be part of the club, too. And I’m grateful I changed my mind and took the plunge into pet ownership. That’s one decision I’ve never regretted and never will.
So happy birthday, Scout! Thank you for loving me even when I’ve been unlovable. For accepting me even when I couldn’t accept myself. For cheering me up with your silly antics. For snuggling me when I needed to be comforted. For always being near so that I never felt alone. For keeping me warm at night. For being a huge source of joy simply by being yourself. For teaching me new things about love. For being sweet to not only me but to everyone you meet. I can’t thank you enough for always being on my side. I’m really proud of you, proud to have you, and incredibly grateful that no one else picked you out for their own before I could get to you! I hear that small dogs usually live for a really long time, which is my only expectation for you. I hope this year of life is your best one yet. Two down, many more to go!
#319 - Another year with Scout!
"Then God said, “Let the earth produce every sort of animal, each producing offspring of the same kind—livestock, small animals that scurry along the ground, and wild animals.” And that is what happened. God made all sorts of wild animals, livestock, and small animals...And God saw that it was good." - Genesis 1:24-25


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