Reason #308

I’ve asked some pretty big things of God over the past 13 months. I’ve asked some things that seemed a bit far-fetched, in my opinion, but I knew who I was asking and I knew He could do it. There were times that I wasn’t sure if I should ask or even had the courage to ask. And so, some times when you ask big things of God, He, in return, asks some big things of you, too.
God never sends us into situations that we are not already equipped to handle. He never allows something to come our way that we can’t overcome with His power. And everything that comes our way has to pass through His hands, get His approval, before it can happen.
Every year, my mom and I go to Holiday Happenings. This has been our tradition since I was a little girl, and I can’t imagine entering into the holiday season any other way. In fact, I vowed that if I were to ever move away from Lubbock (which I don’t foresee happening), I would be sure to come home for this event. This is our thing. A mother/daughter tradition that is so precious to me. And aside from that, it’s a lot of fun, too!
Last year, we both took Friday off from work to go. I was in the thick of things, as you well know. I had been asking big things of God, and He was doing big things in return. Of course, I had no clue where this was going, but things were moving along. I went to pick up my mom for breakfast. As per our tradition, we always eat a big breakfast to fuel up for Holiday Happenings. I put on a pair of jeans that were two sizes too big, but so was everything else in my closet at the time. This was a big day to me. Something very unusual and divinely planned was occurring and God was letting me be a part of it. In fact, this was pretty much the only thing I got to be a part of. And so we sat at Cracker Barrel, in the back corner of the restaurant, and after our waitress brought out our food, we held hands and we prayed. Tears streamed down both of our faces and I just couldn’t believe I was getting to do this. I couldn’t believe God was allowing me to be there, in that exact seat, at that very moment. I couldn’t believe I was getting to act out this role, that He was letting me do this. I had been asking so much of Him and, in my mind, this was the first time I was actually starting to see answers. I don’t remember what I prayed. I don’t remember what my mom prayed. I remember what I wore, I remember what I ate, and I remember what I felt like when I left. I so wish I could go back there. I wish I could hear the words that left my mouth. I wish I knew exactly what I said because I guarantee you God answered our requests. I guarantee you our prayers did not go unheard.
Here’s what else I remember from that morning. I remember feeling His presence surrounding us as we prayed. God Almighty, meeting us in the back corner of a country-style restaurant on that November morning. I remember feeling an overwhelming peace. I remember feeling like everything was going to be okay, and I didn’t worry. I knew it was going to work out, deep down, I just knew it. We rushed out because our time was up. And, I’ll be honest and tell you that the day didn’t turn out like I thought it would. I had imagined it playing out completely different in my mind. But you know what, that’s okay because I was right. Everything worked out beautifully. Differently, yes, but it couldn’t have turned out more beautiful had I planned it myself. And God knew that, of course. He knew what He was up to. He knew what He was doing. And, as I look back on that event last year, I simply praise Him for allowing me to be a part of it. I praise Him for answering my request and letting me have an insider’s glimpse into what He was doing. God was letting me see how big He is, how He does move mountains, and that He is a God of truth and love. Because, on that November morning, God was doing really big things out of His love for me. Bigger things than I knew at the time.
So I worked today and tomorrow we’re going to Holiday Happenings. Due to my planning ways, we’ve already picked out our breakfast spot. Another early November morning, but the topic of our breakfast conversation will be completely different. God is still doing really big things. Big things, not only because I asked it of Him, but because He is a good God who lavishes love and blessings upon His children. A God who allows us to be a part of something bigger than we could imagine and, even when it doesn’t go as anticipated, will still work it out for the good. A God who let’s us play a role in His perfect plan, all the while teaching us with each and every situation. And I’m thankful for moments like that. Moments when we get to experience His closeness and see His divine ways play out. God is good, always. And I simply praise Him that He never, ever stops doing big things for us. Because, like the song says, “The best is yet to come…”, and it’s true!
#308 – Because the best is yet to come.
“For the mountains may move and the hills disappear, but even then my faithful love for you will remain. My covenant of blessing will never be broken,” says the Lord, who has mercy on you. – Isaiah 54:10


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