Reason #710

We had our carpet cleaned today for the first time since I moved in this house. The cleaning inspired us to clean out and organize more of our space, and so we spent the entire afternoon doing exactly that. I cleaned out and organized the kitchen while Aaron organized the garage, and I ended my cleaning session in my closet. For such a small space, it is so disorganized. I decided I would go through all of my purses and see if there were any I wanted to get rid of. I am too OCD to leave money in the pockets of my purses, but I hoped that somehow I'd surprise myself and find a few dollars tucked away. I checked through each pocket but mostly found gum wrappers and bobby pins. The last purse I went through had a little piece of paper tucked in the front pocket. I opened it up and it said, "Ask the God of your house to stand up and show himself mighty."

My mind immediately went back to the day my mom gave me that little slip of paper. She said she really felt like I needed to pray that, and I needed to expect mighty things of God. And so I remember praying that exact prayer as I walked around my empty house alone. My heart was full of expectation and anticipation as to what mighty things He would end up doing. I had no clue what God had in store, but as I prayed, I remember thinking of Joshua 24:15, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Me and my house. Me and my house consisted of me and Scout, but regardless, I was determined I was going to serve the Lord. And so I asked God to fill the space. To make Himself known in big and mighty ways, and I asked that He would do mighty things for me.

After hours of cleaning the house, Aaron and I sat down for dinner. We were completely exhausted and proud of our efforts. We looked around and admired the fruits of our labor. He reached across the table to take my hand, and we bowed our heads in prayer just like we do every night. I thanked God for a day off so that we could get our house in order. I thanked Him for not only meeting our needs but for blessing us with abundance. For allowing us to fill our rooms and spaces, and for giving us excess that we don't deserve. We finished our soup, cleaned up the kitchen, and we crawled into bed to watch a movie so that we could unwind from a long, productive, day.

God does mighty things in our midst every single day. If you think about, the fact that He keeps the world spinning in motion is a mighty thing. But sometimes we don't see the mighty in the mundane. Sometimes, we don't see the mighty because we're too busy looking for the expected. We're too concerned about whether or not God is going to do what we want Him to do that we look past the mighty things He is doing right before our very eyes. Because that day that I walked through my house, asking God to do mighty things, He answered in a mighty way. And tonight, when I found that little piece of paper, my heart was filled with gratitude for the mighty things He did for me.

As for me and my house; me, Aaron, and even Scout, we will serve the Lord. And I just praise God for giving me that. Because what's more important than having cute furniture, pictures on the walls, closets full of things, and decorations out the wazoo, is having someone to serve the Lord with. And that, right there, is the biggest blessing God has given me, and He did it in the mightiest of ways.

#710 - Because I have someone to serve the Lord with.

"My mouth will tell of your righteous deeds, of your saving acts all day long— though I know not how to relate them all. I will come and proclaim your mighty acts, Sovereign Lord; I will proclaim your righteous deeds, yours alone." - Psalm 71:15-16


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