Reason #737

I mentioned earlier in the year that I was really looking forward to 2014 because we had some exciting things in store. I don’t like to give out information too early because things can change, and there’s nothing I hate more than telling someone one thing is going to happen and then having to eat crow later. I have come to terms that it’s best to share big news only when you know for sure that it’s going to happen. So, it’s official. Aaron and I have prayed about this since last June when we read Radical. God gave us both the desire, and we were eager to answer the call. This June, we’re getting a chance to go to an orphanage in Guatemala and deliver shoes to the children that live there. In a few months, God is giving us the opportunity to practice what James calls true religion – to care for the orphans and the widows.
We’ve been really haunted by this challenge since we read Radical. How do we care for the orphans and the widows? Two groups who are completely helpless. One starts out that way, and the other one ends up that way. Two groups who are vulnerable. Two groups to which we can’t really relate. Because both have ended up in circumstances that were not choices of their own. Both ended up in a tough spot where they were left by themselves. And so caring for the orphans and the widows is definitely a challenge because to do so, that means you must give of yourself, your resources, your time, and your attention. And, let’s face it, we’re all prone to be a little selfish when it comes to that stuff.
Aaron and I have known about this trip for a while, and the moment we found out about it, we instantly agreed this was what we wanted to do. We had asked God for an opportunity to serve internationally, and we decided that we would actively search for an opportunity in 2014 rather than putting it off for a “better time.” We’re at that stage in life where we can still be very free to spend our time and money as we’d like since our only other responsibility is Scout (and she’s a light eater). I guess you could say this is our “better time,” and so we decided we’d make an effort to start saving and planning to be a part of this trip. Because, the truth is, who knows if we’ll ever get this chance again, and we figured it’s best to take it rather than to look back and regret not going.
It’s easy to think someone else will do it. At least, that’s a prevalent thought that rolls around in my head. Sometimes I think, “Other people will go if I don’t. They’ll fill in if I decided it’s not for me. This issue will get taken care of or resolved with or without my help.” But is that the truth? Because if we all believe someone else will do it, who is left to actually do it? If we all think our help won’t matter, whose will? And so we’ve been challenged to help in some form or fashion, and we know this is just scratching the surface.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned in life it’s that you should always answer the call God lays on your life. Don’t worry about whether or not you can afford it, God’s a provider. Don’t worry about all the little details, God’s got a plan. Don’t worry if you’re capable, He is able. God has called you for a specific reason. Not that He couldn’t use other people, but He is choosing to use you, and that should be encouragement enough to say yes. Because you don’t want to miss out on what He has in store. You don’t want to by pass the joy of God’s blessings because fear or doubt got in the way. God wants to use you as His hands and feet. All you have to do is willingly trust Him and everything else will take care of itself.
#737 - For opportunities to be His hands and feet.
"Learn to do good. Seek justice. Help the oppressed. Defend the cause of orphans. Fight for the rights of widows." - Isaiah 1:17


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