Reason #717

Sometimes I just need a little girl time, which is what I tried to do with the majority of my day. My mom met me for lunch so we could chat and catch up, I spent a few good hours at the beauty salon, and I managed to squeeze in a quick shopping trip to buy a new dress. If I'm being honest, those are three sure fire things that always make me happy. The nice weather was just the cherry on top!

It always amazes me how God chooses to speak truth into situations right when we need them. I'm so thankful for His omnipresence because you just never know what the day has in store for you, no matter how well planned out you think it is. Little things will pop up out of no where to catch you off guard, and God is faithful to always be present when we need those moments of reassuring. I've found comfort and solace in this because there have been many moments in my life over the past few years where I didn't have the option to immediately turn to anyone. And honestly, even if I would have had the option, it wouldn't have mattered. God has proven Himself to be so sufficient in my time of need, so it really shouldn't surprise me when it happens. Anyway, today He did exactly that as I sat under the hairdryer waiting for my highlights to process.

My hairdresser walked me back to the dryers and sat me down at the one closest to the wall. There was one other girl in the room who sat a few hair dryers over from me. I noticed her when I walked in, but the foils in her hair hid her face. After a few minutes passed, the shampoo tech walked in and asked this girl to come over to the shampoo bowl to wash her hair out. She turned around and looked at me as she walked to the shampoo bowl that was right in front of me, and my heart almost popped out of my chest. I was about 99.9% sure I knew who she was, and if I was wrong, she sure looked like someone I knew of. She looked at me and then quickly looked away. Luckily, for the both of us, she leaned back into her chair and the shampoo tech began washing her hair out. I was next in line, and after my shampoo session, my hairdresser set me up in the bathroom to dry my hair. As soon as I finished drying my hair, the shampoo tech walked into the bathroom. She began talking to me and she told me that she began working at the salon a few months ago. She told me about her previous employment and that she had been there for 20-some-odd years. She ended up having to switch jobs and she said, "...but change is okay. God always takes you to a better place."

That's the truth, isn't it? But the fact is that sometimes the journey to that better place isn't all that easy. Sometimes that journey requires challenges, trials, tribulations and difficulties, but she was right. When we follow God whole heartedly and stay right behind Him, He will always lead us to a better place. He is never going to take us back to heartache, addiction, hopelessness, despair, or bondage. He leads us to green pastures.

Romans 12:12 says "Be glad for all God is planning for you." Planning, that is future tense. Planning, God has good things in store for you. And so we can cling to that truth no matter what we are going through. We can be glad because God is planning good things for us. We may not know what they are, and we may not be able to see any good right then, but He is planning on taking us to a better place if we'll just stick close by. And I thank the Lord for reminding me of that today. For not only having good thing in store for me, but for showing me that He always has.

#717 - Because He we can be glad about all He is planning for us.

"For you are God, O Sovereign Lord. Your words are truth, and you have promised these good things to your servant...For you have spoken, and when you grant a blessing to your servant, O Sovereign Lord, it is an eternal blessing!” - 2 Samuel 7:28-29


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