Reason #727

One of my co-workers had to go close on her home today, and I spent a few minutes telling her about my closing experience two years ago. I don’t normally mind going to do things on my own, but I like to have moral support for the “big things.” Closing on a home would constitute a “big thing” in my book. However, it wasn’t like I was buying a new home so it really wasn’t an exciting event. Anyway, I went by myself to close on my house and the gentleman conducting the closing was quite entertaining. He made it as pleasant as possible, and I was grateful for that. It didn’t take all that long, since I was the only one signing my name. I was actually surprised at how quickly it went. I really liked the pen he gave me to use, and I got to take it as a parting gift. It was a dreary, cloudy day, and I was squeezing in this closing at the last possible minute. That afternoon, I boarded a plane and headed to Hungary, which was the very thing my heavy heart needed.
I blogged about closing on my house that same day. I remember all the details, and I remember what I even wrote in the blog. I remember the song I listened to on the way to the closing, and I remember how I felt afterwards. Truth be told, it was a miracle that I was even getting to close on my house. My annual salary probably shouldn’t have allowed me to qualify for a mortgage loan, but somehow it did. By God’s sheer grace and generosity, I wasn’t going to end up homeless. It was one less detail I had to work out, and I was really grateful. One of the really awesome thing about God is that dollar signs are futile to Him. He could care the less how much money we do or don’t have. Really, all He is concerned about is our stewardship, and through that time, I found that when we are faithful stewards, God shows us the same faithfulness in return.
After we prayed last night, Aaron and  I laid in bed and we talked about perspective. I know some people may read my posts and wonder why God would provide a home for me but not for the countless homeless people wandering around. Why would He stretch my dollars while so many others struggle to make ends meet? Why would He turn my sorrow in to joy so quickly while the sorrow of others may last this lifetime? Why would He answer every prayer one after another after another in such a quick fashion while others have been waiting for answers for years? Why?
Well, I used to wonder why God would restore everyone else’s marriage but mine. I used to wonder why everyone else had a fighting chance when it didn’t seem like I did. I wondered what everyone was doing so right that I was doing wrong, and I wondered why their lives were blossoming while mine was disintegrating. And I told Aaron that sometimes, during a season like this, I start to worry and wonder. I can’t help but think that maybe the bottom might fall out. But I realized that God is just faithfully keeping His promises, like He has all along. Because He promised that we would have abundant life. He promised that He had a prosperous and hopeful future in store for us. He promised that He would never leave or forsake us, and that He would lead us to green pastures. He promised that we could find rest and redemption when we came to Him. And He promised that He would care for us and meet our every need.
And so maybe sometimes we not only need to thank God for the good things He is doing, but we need to thank Him for the good things He is preparing for us in advance. We need to thank Him for what lies ahead because in due time, those things will come. Of course, we can’t get to them if we don’t follow the Lord, so we have to be willing to do that. The journey there isn’t always sunshine and rainbows along the way, but He will guide and protect our every step, and when we look back, we’ll see every miracle in a new light and we’ll be thankful we hung in there.
#727 - For all the good things he has done, is doing, and is preparing.
"I will tell of the kindnesses of the Lord, the deeds for which he is to be praised, according to all the Lord has done for us—yes, the many good things he has done for Israel, according to his compassion and many kindnesses." - Isaiah 63:7


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