Reason #722

Hardened hearts. I don’t get it. That’s one thing about the old testament that is a little confusing to me. Really, I should say one of the many things, but this one I definitely don’t understand. I don’t know why God chose to harden some hearts. I mean Pharaoh was the prime example. Time and time again, God hardened his heart and some really destructive things happened. Of course, we often times blame this on Pharaoh’s refusal to be obedient to God, but in a way, it was almost like he didn’t have a choice. Because God was intentionally hardening his heart, and so it seems like we could ask if he was actually, in a strange way, being obedient by being disobedient. Anyway, Pharaoh would have these moments where he would decide to do what the Lord was requesting and then that would change. It was like he did want to be obedient, but then again, he still wanted to be in charge of God’s people. Yet God hardened Pharaoh’s heart so God’s glory would be made known to all. And, if you think about it, Pharaoh wasn’t a child of God and so I suppose his heart had a natural tendency to be hardened anyway.
Isn’t it strange that part of the plan required refusal and disobedience? Isn’t it odd that God would use that to produce incredible miracles? Yet, He did exactly that. I guess that’s the beauty of seeing the WHOLE picture. Well, I’ve been thinking about hardened hearts, about disobedience and refusing to follow God’s will, and the Lord reminded me that there can be great purpose in such behaviors.
Because of Pharaoh's hardened heart, God's wonders and miracles were displayed in magnificent and undeniable ways. There was no way they could just chalk it up to a string of unfortunate events. This was bigger than anyone had imagined, and the whole plan went differently than expected, no doubt, but God was in the midst of doing wonderful thing for His people. In the middle of chaos, of destruction, of fear, and uncertainty, God was working to free His people and deliver them to the place He intended them to be.
What if Pharaoh's heart hadn't been hardened? Would the people have stayed in Egypt? Would they have left and followed God? If Pharaoh's heart hadn't been hardened, they wouldn't have been able to witness God's glory in the incredible ways that they did. If Pharaoh's heart wouldn't have been hardened, Israel probably would have had a completely different story.
I don't understand hardened hearts, but I am grateful for them. More than that, I am grateful for a God who still works miracles despite hardened hearts' efforts. For a God who has a perfect plan that cannot be deterred no matter how disobedient we might be. Because although we may not see it, although the behavior doesn't make sense, God still has a purpose behind it all. And the beautiful thing about it is that some of the most wonderful blessings occur from such circumstances. Hardened hearts, obedient hearts, willing hearts, or faithful hearts, God will use each kind accordingly to accomplish His perfect plan and bring glory to His name.
#722 - For the beautiful miracles He works despite hardened hearts.
"But I will make Pharaoh’s heart stubborn so I can multiply my miraculous signs and wonders in the land of Egypt. Even then Pharaoh will refuse to listen to you. So I will bring down my fist on Egypt. Then I will rescue my forces—my people, the Israelites—from the land of Egypt with great acts of judgment. When I raise my powerful hand and bring out the Israelites, the Egyptians will know that I am the Lord.” - Exodus 7:3-5


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