because prayer works... but even if it didn't... what do you have to lose?
This has probably been my most emotional month this year. I will be honest and say that pregnancy hasn't really affected my emotions. I expected that some hormone changes might have altered them a bit, but they haven't. I haven't cried like I expected I would. I figured I'd cry the first time I heart her heartbeat or the first time I saw her face. No tears, just a grateful heart. And I haven't had mood swings, either. I've felt like myself the entire time, and I am really thankful for that!
Most of my emotions this month have been tied to appreciation. I've been really overwhelmed by the love and encouragement that has been poured out on our family. God has surrounded us with so many wonderful people, and I am amazed at how they generously they give. And I'm not just talking about things, although we've received an abundance of precious gifts. But they have generously given us their care. A few weeks ago, when we were warned that things might not be going as smoothly with Annabeth's growth as we expected, I got off the phone with my doctor and texted some of my close friends and family members to ask them to pray. I know that prayer works, and I know that worry doesn't. And not only did they pray, but they asked others to pray. And more people were lifting up our sweet girl than I probably knew of, and we felt at peace. We had assurance. God continued to whisper to my heart that all would be okay. And when we left our sonogram on Monday, learning that Annabeth had gained a whole pound in two weeks, I was reminded, yet again, of the power of prayer and the joy of having others pray for you.
We know prayer works. We know that prayer is the very means by which we communicate with God. In fact, the Bible tell us that we have not because we ask not. God encourages us to pray. To ask. And He promises to answer. And yet we have a hard time asking, don't we? Maybe not so much with asking God, but we certainly have a hard time asking others to pray for us, right? After all, we have to reveal a part of our hearts to another person if we ask them to pray for us. Maybe a part that's ugly, that we're not proud of. A part that makes us feel ashamed. A part that might cause them to judge us. Or maybe it would show them our humanness. If they knew our true prayer requests, they might question the strength of our faith, and Heaven forbid that we ever look anything but perfect. And so we don't share. We don't say a word. We keep it to ourselves. Maybe we keep it between us and God. Or maybe we're not really convinced that praying about it will make that much of a difference anyway, so we just try our best to handle it on our own.
But sometimes I don't know what to pray. Sometimes I am at a loss for words. And when those moments come, I am comforted to know that someone else is praying for me. Praying on my behalf. Lifting me up to the Lord and helping me press on. And I've learned that no matter what it is, we shouldn't be afraid to ask for prayer. And we shouldn't forget to pray for others. Because the prayers of a righteous person are powerful and effective. And what a joy to do be able to approach the throne of God, regardless of whether it's for you or someone else, and to know that He not only hears your requests, but that He will certainly answer.
We had a baby shower in my hometown this morning, and I was so encouraged to be around women who have loved on me my entire life. Women who have prayed me through many seasons and are rejoicing with me as God has answered those prayers. After I finished unwrapping gifts, I made my way around the room to catch up on hugs. One of the sweet women who has worked with my mom for many years came over and said, "I couldn't wait to hug you and I want to bless your sweet baby." She placed her hands on my stomach, and we bowed our heads as she lifted up the most beautiful prayer for Annabeth, for Aaron, and for me. And as her words will echo through eternity, I can't wait to see how God will answer them.
Prayer works. Of course, you've got to do it to actually see the results. But maybe you're not sure that it does. Maybe you've been praying and you're still waiting. You don't know what the answer is. Maybe you think prayer might work for other, super strong Christ followers but your prayers, well, they're probably getting lost in the mix. But that's not true. Because here's the thing, God already knows your heart and your thoughts without you having to tell him. He already knows what you need, too. But we have to ask. We have to say something. And we have to truly believe that it works. But you don't have to take my word for it. You don't have to believe what I say. Try it for yourself. Because at the end of the day, even if prayer didn't work, well, what do you have to lose?
"This is what the Lord says, he who made the earth, the Lord who formed it and established it - the Lord is his name: Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know." - Jeremiah 33:2-3
Most of my emotions this month have been tied to appreciation. I've been really overwhelmed by the love and encouragement that has been poured out on our family. God has surrounded us with so many wonderful people, and I am amazed at how they generously they give. And I'm not just talking about things, although we've received an abundance of precious gifts. But they have generously given us their care. A few weeks ago, when we were warned that things might not be going as smoothly with Annabeth's growth as we expected, I got off the phone with my doctor and texted some of my close friends and family members to ask them to pray. I know that prayer works, and I know that worry doesn't. And not only did they pray, but they asked others to pray. And more people were lifting up our sweet girl than I probably knew of, and we felt at peace. We had assurance. God continued to whisper to my heart that all would be okay. And when we left our sonogram on Monday, learning that Annabeth had gained a whole pound in two weeks, I was reminded, yet again, of the power of prayer and the joy of having others pray for you.
We know prayer works. We know that prayer is the very means by which we communicate with God. In fact, the Bible tell us that we have not because we ask not. God encourages us to pray. To ask. And He promises to answer. And yet we have a hard time asking, don't we? Maybe not so much with asking God, but we certainly have a hard time asking others to pray for us, right? After all, we have to reveal a part of our hearts to another person if we ask them to pray for us. Maybe a part that's ugly, that we're not proud of. A part that makes us feel ashamed. A part that might cause them to judge us. Or maybe it would show them our humanness. If they knew our true prayer requests, they might question the strength of our faith, and Heaven forbid that we ever look anything but perfect. And so we don't share. We don't say a word. We keep it to ourselves. Maybe we keep it between us and God. Or maybe we're not really convinced that praying about it will make that much of a difference anyway, so we just try our best to handle it on our own.
But sometimes I don't know what to pray. Sometimes I am at a loss for words. And when those moments come, I am comforted to know that someone else is praying for me. Praying on my behalf. Lifting me up to the Lord and helping me press on. And I've learned that no matter what it is, we shouldn't be afraid to ask for prayer. And we shouldn't forget to pray for others. Because the prayers of a righteous person are powerful and effective. And what a joy to do be able to approach the throne of God, regardless of whether it's for you or someone else, and to know that He not only hears your requests, but that He will certainly answer.
We had a baby shower in my hometown this morning, and I was so encouraged to be around women who have loved on me my entire life. Women who have prayed me through many seasons and are rejoicing with me as God has answered those prayers. After I finished unwrapping gifts, I made my way around the room to catch up on hugs. One of the sweet women who has worked with my mom for many years came over and said, "I couldn't wait to hug you and I want to bless your sweet baby." She placed her hands on my stomach, and we bowed our heads as she lifted up the most beautiful prayer for Annabeth, for Aaron, and for me. And as her words will echo through eternity, I can't wait to see how God will answer them.
Prayer works. Of course, you've got to do it to actually see the results. But maybe you're not sure that it does. Maybe you've been praying and you're still waiting. You don't know what the answer is. Maybe you think prayer might work for other, super strong Christ followers but your prayers, well, they're probably getting lost in the mix. But that's not true. Because here's the thing, God already knows your heart and your thoughts without you having to tell him. He already knows what you need, too. But we have to ask. We have to say something. And we have to truly believe that it works. But you don't have to take my word for it. You don't have to believe what I say. Try it for yourself. Because at the end of the day, even if prayer didn't work, well, what do you have to lose?
"This is what the Lord says, he who made the earth, the Lord who formed it and established it - the Lord is his name: Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know." - Jeremiah 33:2-3
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