because you may have to sweat a little...

I sat across the bus aisle from her on the way to Louisiana. When you're stuck in a bus for 16 hours, friendships are inevitably formed. She was half way through her freshman year, and I could instantly tell that she had such a sweet spirit. We got to know one another throughout the week, and when we returned home, she asked if I would be her mentor. Mentor? Me? I didn't really know what that looked like. But I gladly agreed. And so we began meeting up and I wondered what the year would have in store for Bailey and me.

Some people are connectors. They can visit with you for 5 minutes and you feel as if you've been friends for a lifetime. Some of us don't quite have that great ability, but we all have the ability to make a connection with someone eventually. Maybe we have the same hobby. Maybe we like the same things. Or maybe we're just similar and have things in common with one another. True connections can't be forced. They just happen. And the interesting thing about life is that with some people, we really connect. And with others, no matter how hard you might try, you just don't. Yet after I began meeting up with Bailey, I felt like we were connecting. Sure, there was a little bit of an age gap between us, and we were in totally different life stages, but our time together was always full. It didn't take me long to realize that this whole "mentor" relationship was turning more into a friendship, and I knew God was going to use her to teach me many, many things.

About a month into our meetings, Bailey told me she wanted to do the World Race. I figured she meant eventually. Like years from now. That she'd probably go ahead and finish school and keep praying about the opportunity for a time down the road. That's what I would have done. She said, "They have a group leaving next summer, so that's when I plan to leave." I was a little surprised as I realized that was a short time frame and meant that she'd be putting her college plans on hold. She told me that she would have to raise about $17,000 between now and then to fund the trip. I could tell she was passionate about the race. That she was serious and had done her homework. I could tell that her heart desired to serve the Lord in this capacity, and it was clear that God was absolutely calling her to do so.

Bailey and I spent the rest of the year talking about the race and about her preparations. She began working so diligently to raise money all the while trusting that God would provide. I know very few adults who could come up with $17,000 in a year's worth of time, and as I watched this sweet college student fund raise and work her little tail off, I was completely challenged in my own faith. Would I be able to trust God to provide for me like that? Would I be able to lay down my own well thought out plans and comfort zone to pursue something that seemed nearly impossible by my own means? Because I clearly remembered when I was close the Bailey's age and had the opportunity to step out and serve God through a unique opportunity. But I chose to spend my summer taking classes so I could graduate early and join the business world. I chose my plans, my path, my desires. I admired Bailey's drive. I was so impressed by her dedication. But more than that, I marveled at the incredible work God was doing in her life. Not only had he given her a desire and a passion to head out on the World Race, but He was faithfully providing everything she needed at the perfect time in true God fashion.

Bailey left for her first country this week and she was fully funded! Fully funded! If only you knew the stories of how God provided for her. He absolutely went above and beyond to make it clear that He was taking care of it all. But as I watched my sweet friend trust the Lord, I realized that God's call on our life isn't effortless. God's call requires work on our part. It requires that we obey Him, submit to Him, and trust Him, but it also requires us to move. That we actively partner with Him in the journey. And maybe that means we have to get our hands dirty. Maybe that means we have to sweat a bit. Maybe that means we have to quit sitting around and just expecting God to drop things in our lap with a pretty bow on top. Maybe we say, "Okay God, I know you want me to do this. I am not sure how to, so will you show me? Will you help me?" And then we rely on His guidance, His leading, and we listen to His voice so that we achieve whatever goal we're working towards. After all, Jesus reminded us that apart from Him, we can accomplish nothing on our own.

Bailey, today is your birthday and I am certain that you're having one of the most exciting birthdays of your life. This next year of life is going to be an amazing adventure! I am so proud of you, and I admire your dedication to the Lord. I have loved watching your desire for Him deepen, and I know God is going to not only bless you in remarkable ways, but I know He will use you to eternally bless others - just as you have done for me! Thank you for showing me what it looks like to walk in true obedience to the Lord. For being a strong, courageous woman with a gentle and beautiful spirit. Thank you for setting such a great example for me and for all who know you. For chasing after the Lord, submitting to His plans for your life, and for persevering and overcoming even when challenges and difficult things come your way. You are a precious person, an incredible friend, and you, my dear, are a world changer!

"Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing." - John 15:5


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