it's the most wondeful time of the year... except sometimes it's not...

They say it's the most wonderful time of the year. But sometimes it's really not. Sometimes it's the most difficult time of the year. The most stressful time of the year. The hardest time of the year. Sometimes it's not so wonderful.

I went to my first Christmas event on Saturday. Of course, if you've been inside any retail store in the past month, you're well aware that Christmas has been in full swing since the first of October. My mom's birthday is early in October, and I thought I'd hunt down some fall décor to gift her. There was none to be found. Everywhere I looked, it was Christmas, Christmas, Christmas. Now don't get me wrong. Christmas is one of my most favorite times of the year. A time that is packed full of sweet memories and fun traditions. But the truth is, sometimes the season that is meant to bring forth the most light can leave us feeling alone in the dark.

Mary found out she was expecting. Surprise, Mary! I'm sure she wanted to be a mother, but I have no doubt this was not the way she imagined it would happen. She accepted it. She gladly opened her arms to the responsibility of bearing the Savior of the world, not knowing what all it would entail. We never know how things are going to turn out when we start a new path, but Mary knew this was a special opportunity. It's not every day that an angel shows up to give you some news straight from the mouth of God. And as Gabriel the angel stood before Mary, sweet, young, soon-to-be-mother Mary, he said, "Do not be afraid...". (Luke 1:30)

Don't be afraid, Mary. Something big is about to happen. Something out of your control. Something that won't make sense, that wasn't a part of your plan. Something that is going to completely interrupt your life and require you to rethink everything you've ever known is about to happen. But do not be afraid.

Nine months later, she sat in a stall. Surrounded by animals, she peeked into the dirty, undeserving, not fit to hold a King, manger as she looked at the face of her sweet baby. Jesus. Her Savior. And as she gazed upon his face, studying his little mouth and his tiny nose, a birth announcement was being made. Just as had happened when Mary learned of this miracle, an angel was bringing word of Jesus' arrival to shepherds in a field. Shepherds just doing their job. Shepherds who had left home that day not expecting the opportunity to see the Messiah with their own eyes. The angel said, "Do not be afraid! I bring you good news of great joy for everyone! The Savior - yes, the Messiah, the Lord - has been born tonight in Bethlehem." (Luke 2:10-11)

Do not be afraid. I know it's hard because all you can think about is how life is not the same anymore. I know that it hurts when the memories come flooding back. Maybe this is your first Christmas without them. Maybe, this year, you expected to share the good news of a child and yet your womb remains empty still. Maybe you didn't expect such news, but you find yourself unsure of the next step because you weren't planning for a baby. Maybe you don't know how you're going to make ends meet now. You never saw the layoff coming, and finding work has been harder than you imagined. Maybe your visit to the doctor didn't go so well. You thought it was just a little headache. You never expected words like "radiation," "chemo," or "terminal" to be on your hospital records. You might be scared because you've never done this on your own. You thought they would be there forever, and now you're left standing in the ruins of a broken promise. You can't see the next step. You have no idea what lies ahead, and for some reason, all of your carefully crafted plans are not falling into place.

But do not be afraid. Do not fear. I bring you good new of great joy. He was born. The Messiah humbled himself and stepped down from Heaven's throne so that He could bring light into your darkness. He came to bind up your broken heart. To set you free. Do not be afraid. Do not fear. He has a plan for you. He has a purpose, too. And He promises that He will never leave you, never forsake you. Do not be afraid. He will not abandon you. Do not fear. He will not forget about you. He will rejoice over you. He will lead you beside still waters. He will restore your soul. He will be your refuge in time of need. Your shelter in the storm. The rock to which you can cling. Don't be afraid. When you pass through the waters, He will be with you. Do not fear for He will uphold you with his righteous right hand. He is your provider, your protector, your defender, your Savior.

Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy. Jesus has come!


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