Reason #543

Let's face it, we all have expectations. No matter how much we try not to, it just happens. We expect the bank to keep our money safe, to hospital to be keep us alive, police officers to protect us. We expect the service and food at restaurants to be good. We expect our planes to land and leave on time. We expect vacations to be a blast, comedians to be funny, and we expect summer to be hot. We just plan on these things happening.

You've heard the saying, "no one is perfect." It's all inclusive. No one means you and me. Basically, no one is getting out of this. And I, myself, am guilty of not only expecting perfection so many times, but I am also guilty of holding people to my expectations. Family, friends, work, Scout. I have knowingly and unknowingly set expectations. I have preconceived notions of how they will act, should react, will behave, and what they are capable of. But the things is, not only are we setting expectations, expectations are often being set of us. Have you ever thought about that? You are expecting something from someone who is in return expecting something from you. Changes the game, doesn't it? And when you realize you are the recipient, all of the sudden it doesn't seem so fair.

I went through a time period where I told myself not to expect anything, however, what I was really doing was expecting the worse so that when it happened I wouldn't be let down. If, somehow it didn't happen, then I would be pleasantly surprised. So we may have moments where we don't expect much or moments when we expect too much. And there will be many, many times in life where our expectations are exceeded and many, many times where they are simply not met. But I've found out, and keep discovering, the danger in expectations. Not only for the one expecting but for the one who is being expected... if that makes sense. Because in the end, no one really wins with human expectations. People aren't mind readers, we weren't all raised in the same setting, and no two brains think exactly alike.

And so I'm sure you've been on the giving and receiving side of expectations, just as I have. You thought something would go one way, and it didn't. Someone else thought you'd react one way, and you didn't. And, even though you'd think I would have learned this lesson by now, I haven't. Because deep down, I still have preconceived notions. Deep down I still always have an expectation of how something should play out. Yet there hasn't been a single human person who has met every expectation I've ever had. There hasn't been a time where I've met every one that was set for me.

But aren't you glad we serve a God who never expects more or less of us, but a God who knows exactly what to expect of each one of us? He knows how we think, how we act, how we will react, and how we will respond. He doesn't set unreachable goals for us based on what other people have done or can do. He doesn't set standards that we aren't aware of. God makes it clear what He desires of us, and that's ultimately what we are held to.

Expectations can be good. After all, the world would stop running without some sort of expectation. But we'll never be able to meet all of the expectations set for us, and not all of our own will be met. We may have moments now and then where they are, but we would be wise to remember that people are people. We are uniquely and differently made and we have been given original thoughts, ideas, and ways of expression. And if we learn to appreciate people for who they are and what they do rather than what they don't do, we will find more joy in our lives. We will also find that our disappointment is less. So let your friends be your friends, your family be your family, your co-workers be your co-worker, and the Lord be the Lord. Remember we are made in His image, not in one another's, and when we look for Jesus, and look more like Jesus, we'll stop expecting anything else.

#543 - Because He makes His expectations known, achievable, fair, and fulfilling.

"He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." - Micah 6:8


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