Reason #890

Tomorrow is America's birthday. America, the land of the free and the home of the brave. One nation under God. And so many days, my heart aches realizing how far we've fallen from being that.

Some days I wonder if I should have children. Sure, this is the land of opportunity, the place where dreams are made, but I think about what kind of opportunities are presented and I shudder. I think about the things my future children could face, and my heart breaks. And I wonder how to teach your children truth in a world of lies. I wonder how to keep their little hearts and minds pure in a society that thrives on sin. Maybe five year is all they get now. Five years to be sweet and innocent and moldable before they are sent out into the world and "educated" on society's ways. Because some days I wonder how broken the world can get. Could things ever turn around?

I shared my feelings about this with an older woman over coffee one morning and she said, "You have to have children. Someone has to keep bearing the light. Someone has to keep sharing God's love. We can't stop." And that's the truth isn't it? Because if one generation stops, if the truth isn't passed on, we're in a really bad place. But unfortunately, a lot of moms make the decision every day to do what they think is best for them. To determine whether or not their child will have the opportunity to exist, and I just have to wonder what and who the world has missed out on because of these things. Here we are, as a society, constantly looking for answers, praying for help, and we very well may have ridded ourselves of what we need.

I don't know. I don't know the Lord's plans. I don't know why people refuse to acknowledge Him, and I certainly don't understand why the mention of His name makes them so angry. But regardless, I know He will bring about change. Things will turn around. I think about Gideon. About the society he lived in. They didn't know truth, they didn't know the Lord, yet look what God did for His people. He sent someone to bear the truth. He raised up a man who turned their hearts back to the Lord. Gideon reminded them of God's goodness. He led them into victory. He changed the way they lived their lives, and Gideon brought about peace among God's people. Well, really, God did all of these things. He just used Gideon as His hands and feet, and I can't help but think about how much we need a Gideon right now.

But we have a God who loves us. A God who hasn't given up on us. A God who has blessed our nation, and a God who is in control. A God who hears the prayers of His people. And so we pray. We pray for rescue. We pray that things will turn around. That God will save us, but more than that, that He will draw us back to Him. Because we need peace. We need guidance. We need help.  And we need the Lord.

#890 - Because God will bring about change somehow, someway.

"Whenever the Lord raised up a judge over Israel, he was with that judge and rescued the people from their enemies throughout the judge’s lifetime." - Judges 2:18


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