Reason #988

I don't like being talked about. To think that someone is speaking about you, sharing information you've entrusted to them or simply spreading news they've heard, is an unsettling thought. I used to not think a think about it. I never assumed anyone wanted to talk about me. There really wasn't much to say. I've led a less than thrilling life by the world's standards for the majority of my life, but there came a time where I was the hot topic. Sometimes, I think I still am. And the unfortunate truth is that most often we talk about people when we have something negative to say. One of my dear friends once told me, "When people are talking about you, that just means that someone else is getting a break." I think that's a pretty accurate statement.

I've chosen to live a life of selective sharing. There are those people who share way too much information about themselves and those who are sealed shut. I think I've fallen in the middle. I figure the less information you give, the less there is to talk about. But even then, people still find something to say. I was walking to a meeting at work the other day, and I met up with a coworker at the stair case. As we headed downstairs she said, "We were talking the other day about how we wanted to mess your hair up. It always looks perfect." Honestly, that was probably one of the stranger hair comments I've received, and I wasn't sure how to respond. I'm used to people saying things like, "Who cuts your hair? I like your hair." And while I am pretty sure she was complementing me, all I could think about was the fact that she and some other people were talking about me. I wondered why, and I wondered who. I also wondered how I became the topic of discussion, and I wondered if it was just my hair that they discussed.

Well, no matter what we do, people are going to have something to say. Although I've yet to stop trying, I've well learned that you can't please everyone at the same time...if ever. Some people might praise you for one thing while others critique it. Some people might build you up while others tear you down. Some people might have nothing but good things to say about you while others can only say the bad. In the end, people will talk about you.

"Therefore, He (Jesus) is able, once and forever, to save everyone who comes to God through Him. He lives forever to plead with God on their behalf." - Hebrews 7:25

Did it ever occur to you that Jesus talks to God about you? That's an interesting thought, isn't it? But the beauty of it is that the conversation is for your good. Every time. It's not a conversation full of envy or hate. It's not about all of the things you've done wrong and how you've messed up. Jesus isn't reading off your track record so He and God can have a good laugh at your expense and feel better about themselves in return. He lives to plead for us. To have that redemptive talk about us. Psalm 8:4 says, "What is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?" He sees you. He is mindful of you. He cares for you. And so when He speaks about you, it's out of love. He speaks from a heart of compassion and kindness. A heart of grace and mercy.

Everybody talks. I talk, you talk. Let's face it, it's hard not to. But what if we followed Jesus' example? What if we followed Paul's advice to "let no unwholesome talk come out of our mouths but rather what is helpful for building others up according to their needs that it may benefit those who listen?" (Ephesians 4:29) Well, the world would definitely be a different place, wouldn't it? We can't stop the words from flowing, but we can certainly determine which ones come from our mouths. And praise Jesus that when He talks about us, it's seasoned with truth, with love, and kindness. Plus, we don't have to worry about what might get out. We can tell Him any and everything, and we can rest assured that He'll keep it safe.

#988 - Because He talks from a heart of compassion and kindness.

"For it is God’s will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish people." - 1 Peter 2:15


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