Reason #697

We went to see Josh Wilson's Christmas concert tonight. This was the third year I have gone, so I think it's safe to say it is turning into a tradition. He has the most encouraging and uplifting concerts, and tonight's was exactly that. He made a comment about Christmas time and the fact that for some people, Christmas is really merry and for other's it's not. That a lot of us really struggle to find joy and peace during this time of the year because of the things we're going through. And I thought about how I felt to Christmases ago sitting through that concert and how I felt tonight.

After the concert ended, Aaron and I went to dinner and we both agreed that we felt we were at the best point in our lives that we've ever been. Marriage is beautiful, work is going well for both of us, things really seem to be falling into place, and we couldn't possibly ask for more. We talked about how fortunate we are that God would show us such favor, as we definitely don't deserve it, and we wondered why. Why is God walking us through a season of incredible abundance when so many around us are hurting? Why are things going so well for our little family of 3 (that's including Scout), when the majority of the world is falling apart? There is no definite answer, and we wished that everyone could experience the Lord like we are. That they would choose to taste of His goodness rather that continuously swallowing the spoonfuls of bitterness that life hands out.

This morning, our pastor talked about God's ability to restore our lives. He said that restoration doesn't occur so that we can go back but so that we can move forward. God doesn't want to take us back to re-live those lost years, but that He gives us new years to make up for that time. More chances, you know. And I thought about how grateful I am that He came to restore. Because there have been many days in my past that I've so desperately wished I could travel back in time and change the course I was on. Days where I wished I could re-live the past decisions I had made thus turning my life in a different direction. But God didn't send His Son so that I could go back and correct my mistakes. Rather, God sent His Son to wash them away and give me a hopeful future going forward. Jesus came to restore that time, and when I think about it, I suppose this is it. The things I once mourned for are now my reality. It's all part of God's incredible restoration process in my life, and my heart couldn't be more grateful that He is still taking me through the process.

I think about restored furniture. Usually, it's thrown out. Unwanted by the owner. They don't like it anymore or they simply don't have a need for it. Maybe they've replaced it with something new, no longer seeing value in what they once had. And so they take it to a consignment store or they put it in their garage sale, and someone comes along that sees the potential in this furniture. Under the layers of chipped paint and scratched wood, they see the value it still holds. They have an idea of how it can be used, but it'll take a little work to get it there. And so the furniture is bought, is moved from one place to the next, and it is repurposed. Undergoing a long process, it takes on a new look, a  new role, a new design, and fills a new space. You see, the furniture wasn't bought a repurposed so that it could go back to where it once was, no it was bought and repurposed for a new meaning, a new use, and to be in a new place going forward.

I guess that kind of how we are isn't it? Bought, repurposed, and used for new things. But that's why Jesus came. To restore what had been counted as lost. To change lives going forward so that we didn't have to live in the past. And I just praise God for seeing value and purpose in someone like me. For giving me such a hopeful future and restoring to me so many sweet things I never thought I'd have. And I am so grateful that He has been faithful to walk with me through every step of the process.

#697 - Because of His restoration and favor.

"When the king smiles, there is life; his favor refreshes like a spring rain." - Proverbs 16:15


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