Reason #976

There are two parts, God's part and our part, that have to work together to accomplish great things. Sure, God could do just His part and that'd be sufficient, but God calls us to action. He doesn't call us to act alone, and He doesn't ask us to do His part. God gives us tasks, roles to play along the way, and there's a reason for each one.

Sometimes it is hard to simply play our role, especially when we weren't cast as the lead. It's hard when our part seems small and we feel that probably anyone could do it. And when we can't see the full plan come to fruition, when we can't harvest the seed we planted, we aren't so certain we want to take on that task. Why do all that work if we aren't going to see how things turn out? Why put forth so much effort when you won't know the end result? Well, the thing is, you never know how God is going to use it. You never know when He is going to use it, either.

I read a story about a high school senior who wanted to share the gospel with every kid in his school. He was far from popular, and he wasn't well known. The possibility of that happening seemed slim and he wasn't sure how he was going to go about fulfilling this mission. All he knew what that God had laid this task on his heart. He befriended a younger student who didn't have a relationship with Christ. The kid was new to the school. He had been forced to move schools because of his parents' divorce, and he was struggling with substance abuse. As the high school senior began to build a relationship with the new kid, he shared the gospel with him. The new kid accepted Christ as his Savior, and his life was dramatically changed. The year went on, the high school senior graduated, and he never got the change to personally share the gospel with everyone in his school. He had only shared it with one.

The new school year started, and the school hosted an assembly over drinking and driving. The principal approached the new kid, who was now a senior, and asked if he would be willing to speak to the entire student body at the assembly. She was aware of his past and his struggle with substance abuse, and she had seen his transformation. And so the day of the assembly, he stood in front of the entire student body and told them his story. But then, he took the opportunity to share the gospel with them. To tell every student in that school about the saving and transforming power of Jesus Christ. And when he concluded his speech, the entire student body erupted with applause. The whole school had heard the gospel because one high school senior had been intentional to share it with the new kid.

No work done for God's kingdom is insignificant and small. Unfortunately, we're numbers driven people and we want to influence the masses. But look at Jesus. Although He had many occasions where he spoke to crowds, he spent the majority of his time pouring into 12 men. Eleven of them would continue to advance the gospel forward and change lives. They would carry out the mission He gave them, and that is exactly what He wanted. Jesus didn't need the disciples to do what He did. He is God incarnate, He can work in any way He wants. But Jesus wanted them to be a part of what He was doing, and so He gave them the opportunity to do that. And here we stand, thousand of years later, affected by the work they did. Affected by all of those who have gone before us and been faithful to carry out the task God laid before them. Just think what the world would be like today had they not been willing to do that because it seemed too simple, too unimportant, or too menial.

God is calling you to serve Him and be faithful in whatever He has given you. He will use it. You may not see it, but He will use it. Don't worry if it seems "small." God is in the business of multiplying. Plus, He has a plan. You're a step in that plan. A piece of the puzzle. The choices you make will ring throughout eternity, and so each one makes a difference. You may not see it on this side of Heaven. You may never hear if anything came from it. But God will use it at the right time to accomplish the exact purpose. Don't worry about how He's going to do it, just trust that He will. You don't have to figure any of it out, God's already got it solved. Just do your part and He'll be faithful to do His.

#976 - Because He always does His part.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight." - Proverbs 3:5-6


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