Reason #977

We sang this song in church today that has become one of my favorites. I first heard it at the Beth Moore conference I went to a few months ago. The chorus says:
Every high thing must come down
Every strong hold shall be broken
You wear the victor's crown
You overcome, You overcome...

Sometimes I forget that He has overcome. It's not that He is working on overcoming, no, He overcame. Because the truth is, sometimes I feel like we're losing. I look at the world, at the decisions being made, at the lifestyles that are being lived, and my heart breaks. My heart is heavy for the lack of morality that exists. My heart is heavy for the lack of faith we posses. And I so badly want good to overcome. I want good to take the cake every time. But people are constantly challenging good. Of course, to them it's "bad," but that's because things look different in the dark than they do in the light. And every time I hear about another school being challenged to remove prayer, when I hear of sports teams being forced to hide their faith, when I hear of businesses being sued over choosing morality and sound principles, when I see the things of God being forced down by the world, I feel like we're in a losing battle. I know that's not true, but that's how I feel. I just wonder how and if it will ever turn around. I wonder if the world will ever wake up and realize the path of destruction it has firmly planted its feet on. I know in the end good overcomes, but I can't help but wanting good to prevail now.

Jesus wears the victor's crown. One day, every strong hold will be broken. Good will be the only thing to prevail. We will live for God, totally and completely. Everything and everyone will honor and glorify Him. He will receive all of the praise He is due, and the world will be a beautiful, peace-filled place. Because it will be a new Heaven and a new Earth, and we need a new Earth in a bad way. An earth that exists and thrives the way He intended it to. It will happen. It may appear like things are getting worse, but you know what they say, it has to get worse before it can get better. And so my prayer is that in the here and now, Jesus would continue to get the victory. That He would continue to prevail over all things. That Jesus' followers would live victoriously rather than shrinking back. And I pray that eyes would be opened before it's too late. That hearts of stone would become hearts of flesh before their time is up.

Thank you, Jesus for overcoming. Give us the courage to overcome, too.

#977 - Because He wears the victor's crown.

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” - John 16:33


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