Reason #168

"For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." - Ephesians 2:10

I spent the evening stuffing my face with food and crying off my make-up. Now, before you get the wrong idea, let me explain. Tonight was girls night! The first girls night I've had in years. And so when I wasn't eating, I was wiping away the tears produced from laughter. Tonight, I was so blessed to spend a few hours with a group of great girls, new friends. As I looked around the table, I was amazed at how God has brought each one into my life. And on top of that, I was amazed at how much of a bond has already been formed and we just met each other a few weeks ago.

I remember feeling like I had lost all of my friends last fall. Sure, they were still my friends, still there when I needed them, but I spent a lot of time alone. If I wasn't alone, I spent time with my family. Fortunately for me, my family doubles as my friends. But it just wasn't the same. I, once again, felt like making friends wasn't going to happen easily. I was out of college, spent my days at work, and had no place to go where I could meet people with common interests. It had been a while since I had been in the "social scene" plus, I figured it would be near impossible to find friends who could relate to me. My mom, the wise woman she is, began praying God would bring some good girlfriends into my life. Girls I could hang out with, talk with, laugh with and grow with.

And God began working, preparing in advance. I just didn't know it. Tonight, I found out that I wasn't the only one who had been feeling the same way either...

Well what girls night would be complete without dessert? With full bellies, we found a way to make room for a little extra sugar. As we ate and we talked and we laughed, I just couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe how fortunate I was to be sharing my evening with 8 incredible sisters, girls who have blessed my life so richly. Beautiful girls on the inside and out. And I couldn't believe this is where my life has picked back up. Because if I'm being truthful, I really thought it was going to take me a long, long time to rebuild my life. I thought I would be picking up the pieces for a while. I didn't expect it to be this good. I didn't expect to be able to jump back in and pick up where I left off 5 years ago. Really, I didn't know if that would even be an option for me.

So we shared our hearts tonight. We shared our struggles, our hopes, our desires and our embarrassing stories. And we shared how each of us had been praying and looking for the same thing. Each of us, feeling alone, desperate for a place to fit in,  and in need of girlfriends to just go through life with. And although we each have our own unique story, our own pasts, our own experiences, I saw that they understood. They know what it's like to be a 20-something year old girl. They know the feelings and territory that come with it. And we all knew how much we needed this.

So why do we doubt? Why do we wonder? Why are we surprised that God takes such good care of us? Why don't we believe the "good" part in Ephesians 2:10? Why do we have such low expectations when we ask Him? Because has He ever not met our needs? Has He ever given us less than good, less than the best?

I was reminded tonight, once again, that He doesn't want us to do this alone. He never intended for us to be the only one on the boat. He goes with us, but He also gives us one another, too.

I love getting to see answered prayers. How sweet it is not only to receive an answer but also to be an answer. And I'm grateful that He is constantly working in advance, always working on our behalf and preparing good things. Working when we don't even realize it, so that the good thing is there at the exact moment you need it.

#168 - Because He is always preparing good things for us!

"...for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose." - Philippians 2:13


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