Reason #297

I sat in my mom's kitchen tonight and ate frozen yogurt with her. Nutella flavored yogurt with banana slices, it doesn't get much better than that. And we talked about life. Mostly we talked about how good God is and I shared with her what I'm learning. Things I thought I knew I have now come to realize I never really knew. Until now, I had no idea. And as I shared with her what I was learning, she smiled at me and she said "And that's exactly how you know."

Really, it's a lot to take in. When I stop and reflect, I become overwhelmed by how God has orchestrated things in my life. I am amazed at how every detail was so carefully planned out. Nothing was overlooked, and timing was perfect. Sometimes, in life, your greatest heartaches become your greatest source of joy. And sometimes you never realize how beautiful life is until you've seen some ugly things.

I shared with my mom tonight that I often compare myself to a pound puppy. I realize that's quite a terrible comparison, so let me explain. Pound puppies get second chances. Little creatures who, for some reason or another, have been left on their own. Maybe it was the loss of an owner, maybe it was extenuating circumstances, maybe they ran away. And so somehow they end up at the pound. A pretty desperate place to be honestly. Now I realize animals do not have human rationalization skills, but I think they know. Deep down, I think they understand this isn't the best place to be. And maybe they know this is the last stop for them. And so they simply have to wait to be rescued.

If you've ever talked to anyone who has a rescue pet, they'll tell you how amazing their animal is. In fact, one of my good friends has a little rescue dog named Lucy, and she just raves about how wonderful Lucy is. Lucy is a lucky dog! I don't know why she was ever put up for adoption in the first place, but she landed a pretty sweet deal. She now belongs to a couple who loves her dearly and treats her like a princess. And so what is it that makes resuce pets different from other pets? What is it that causes them to really be wonderful, loving creatures? Because if anything, it seems like they should be a little bitter and mad. After all, they had a rough go. But I think they are full of gratitude. Thankful that they were rescued, thankful that they were given a second chance. Thankful that someone would look past their sad little eyes and scrawny little bodies, love them to pieces, and take them home as their own. Because these little critters have seen some bad things. They've been a part of unfortunate circumstances and so, in my opinion, I think they realize how fortunate they are to be removed from that and placed into a new home where they are smothered with love and affection. A home that apprecaites them, a home that treats them well, a home that sees their value, and most importantly, a home that wants them. So they don't take it for granted. They don't live with a sense of entitlement or bitterness, no, they apprecaite what they have because of what they came from. However, it's a bittersweet thing because had they never gone through whatever unfortunate situation it was that turned them into a pound puppy, they would never be where they are now.

And so I confidently told my mom tonight, as I concluded my pound puppy analogy, that if I had to walk back through the unfortunate circumstances in my life to get where I am now, I'd do it all over again. I really would. But I praise the Lord that I don't have to. I am eternally grateful that He rescued me once and for all. However, I've come to realize that if I had never been there, awaiting resuce, I would not be where I am now. And, moreoever, I wouldn't have the great sense of apprecaition I now have. Really, sometimes I think my heart could burst from gratitude. I don't take it for granted, and I realize how fortunate I am to be right here. And so it is bittersweet, but if I'm being totally honest, the sweetness that is definitely outweighs the bitterness that was. And I, like Lucy, am beyond blessed to have also landed a really sweet deal!

#297 - Because He has given me a beautiful life!

"He redeems me from death and crowns me with love and tender mercies. He fills my life with good things." - Psalm 103:4-5


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