Reason #298

Sometimes things just don't go your way. You did everything you could, did your part, exactly what was asked and expected of you, and it still didn't go your way. It's disappointing. Frustrating, no doubt. And truthfully, it just doesn't make sense. It doesn't add up. Because it was bathed in prayer. Pleas and petitions and it only made sense that they would be answered a certain way. But He chose to answer differently. Differently than you asked, and it doesn't seem like it was the best possible answer.

It's hard to receive the answer you didn't want. It really is. And it's even harder when you don't know why. But here's the thing, God has a reason for every answer He gives. Sometimes, you don't see the rationale for a long time. Sometimes, you may see it sooner than you expected. But God knows what He's doing and I think we forget that a lot of times. I think we forget who really is in charge of it all. Sure, we have a voice. Sure, we have the opportunity to speak up. But we didn't spin this planet into motion and we don't make the sun rise each morning. We don't know what lies ahead of us. And sometimes, the answer, even though it seems like the worst possible one, is really the best one for us. This is a lesson I've had to learn. This is a tough one, too. The 'No' pill is a hard one to swallow and it tastes bad the whole way down. But sometimes, when He denies us of what we ask for, it's for a greater purpose. Because in the season of 'No' we have two choices. We can either be really upset about it and push Him away, or we can seek Him and draw closer to Him. And so maybe that's why He does it. Because He knows full well that when we are romping around on our own, allowing distance to grow between us and Him because we're unhappy, no good can happen. He can't change hearts, change lives, or use us. But when we stick close by, when we have to trust Him because 'No' causes a lot of uncertainty and fear, He can use us. He can mold us, transform us, and show His glory in a really unimaginable way.

He's told me 'No' more often than I've preferred. But here's the ironic thing. When He told me 'No,' I kept going back to Him. Going back and asking more questions and seeking His guidance. Depending on Him and allowing Him to move me in the right direction because I was tired of hearing 'No.' And the times He has said 'Yes,' I often thanked Him and went on my merry way. I didn't cling, I didn't seek, I didn't change. And it was in the 'No' phases that I saw Him. It was in the 'No' phases that He got my attention and transformed my life. And it was in the 'No' phases that He set my feet on a firm path and got me going in the right direction. He did a lot more during the 'No' than in the 'Yes.' And if 'No' means drawing us closer to Him, if 'No' causes us to seek after Him and pursue Him without hesitation, if 'No' is going to change our lives and transform us, if 'No' is going to bring us to our knees in repentance and ultimately heal us, then 'No' is the best answer He could ever give us. After all, a broken world can't be fixed by broken people. Only a perfect God can truly make things right.

And so here's what I've learned as things haven't gone my way. When you bathe something in prayer, when you petition the King of Kings, when you ask something of the Most High God and He doesn't answer it the way you want, rest assured that His will is still being done. We should be so wise to praise Him that He never places our will above His own. Because God loves us. Deeply. A sinful people who don't deserve anything good from Him, yet He loves us. Inspite of all we have done and keep on doing, He loves us. And He decides how the cards will fall. Ultimately, He is in charge and nothing will ever change that. Ever.

So I'm grateful that at the end of the day, of every day, He is still on the throne. I am thankful that when all is said and done, He's the one who calls all the shots. And mostly, I am thankful that God is never confined to working in a certain way. Rather, He can, and will, use every situation to complete His good and perfect plan.

#298 - Because God is still on the throne and nothing will ever change that.

"I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity.” - 1 Timothy 2:1-2


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