Reason #651

November is off to a fabulous start. It has been a really full day, a really long day, but a very good one. Tonight, Aaron and I went to the Corn Maize. Corniest date we've had all year...haha! (Sorry, I can't help myself.) Anyway, it was a really beautiful night to be outside. Crisp and cool, perfect fall weather. Somehow, we managed to skip the last 4 clues and jump from clue 6 to the end of the maize. I'm not really sure how that happened. I have to think it was good luck because we had no idea where we were going. We didn't have a flashlight with us, so we were literally wandering through the dark.

Maybe you've been at that place in life where you're just absolutely terrified to walk the path God has set your feet on. You have no idea what is waiting for you around the corner. You're surrounded my darkness and you can't see where you're going. You don't know if you're close to the end, or when the end will even happen. You're just guessing with each step of the way, taking wrong turns here and there. You feel like you might finally be going in the right direction, and the next thing you know you're at a dead end. You've been walking forever only to find out you've made a huge circle, and you realized you've been lost the whole time.

I've been there before. It's a scary place to be. It's not easy, either. And for some reason, when we're walking through those situations in life, it's easy to feel as if we're alone, right? It's easy to feel like we're alone when it reality, that's hardly the truth. Yet what I have found in life, as I've had those really rough patches, is that God is not only faithful to walk with us through them, but He is faithful to give us someone to walk through those times with.

Maybe they understand, and maybe they don't. Maybe they can relate and they know exactly how you feel, or maybe they are just there to love and support you. Maybe they don't have the right words to say but they diligently pray for you. Maybe they aren't good at talking it out but they are good at giving you bits of hope and joy so that you forget your worries for a bit. And maybe, more than anything, God has put them there to give you courage. A presence to help you not be so afraid. Because having someone to walk next to you, no matter what it is you're going through, always makes the situation so much easier than if you had to try and figure it out on your own.

Aaron and I were both clueless in the maize tonight. We had no idea where we were going, but we were going together. We walked into some dead ends, we went the wrong direction a couple of times, but each time we turned around and we kept walking. We took other paths, we did our best to remember the wrong paths and stay off of them, and we finally made it to the end. And I am grateful for that. Grateful that God has always provided me someone to walk through life with. Whether it be a friend, a mentor, a teacher, a family member, Scout, or Aaron, I've always had someone who was willing to walk beside me. Someone who helped me get through whatever it was I was facing. Not because they knew all of the answers. Not because they could solve all of the problems, but because they were willing to be there. Willing to keep moving even if it meant we had to turn around a few times and go in different directions. I thank the Lord for these people, and for making sure I have never had to do life alone. Because when you have someone to walk through life with, you realize that it's not so scary after all.

#651 - Because He gives us people to wander through life with.

"In your unfailing love you will lead the people you have redeemed. In your strength you will guide them to your holy dwelling." - Exodus 15:13


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