Reason #673

Today is a special today! Today, Scout turns 3! That's right, today is Scout's birthday. I can hardly believe it, myself. It seems like I just got her. In fact, I am pretty sure I'll always think of her as a puppy no matter how many birthdays she has. And so, to celebrate, we took our girl shopping and out for a birthday treat.

I write about Scout all the time, so it's hard to think of something about her that I have yet to mention. Last night, as I was thinking back over our time together, I realized that Scout is one of the very things that has consistently brought joy to my life on a daily basis. No matter what kind of day I am having, she can always cheer me up. Those big brown eyes and that persistently sweet disposition get me every single time. And so when it comes to birthdays, I know Scout doesn't really get the fact that it's a special day. To her, it's just another day. But she does so much to help cheer me up and bring happiness into my life that I just want to do something special for her as if to thank in her some fashion. Return the favor, you know. Well, here's the thing about pets, they are here for you. It's true, they simply care about pleasing you and being close to you. And after you build that bond of love and trust with them, it's amazing what you find yourself doing for them.

Last night, Aaron and I were laying in bed talking. It was around 10:00. Scout usually turns in for the night well before 10:00, but last night was a different story. Scout jumped down from the bed and went into the kitchen to eat. Being that it was so late, I closed her kennel door so that she couldn't get to her food and water. I realized she hadn't eaten yet, as she really has no set eating schedule, but I felt it was too late to let her eat and drink. If she did, there was no doubt that she would be waking up in the wee hours of the morning to go outside. She pawed at her kennel door and whined a little, but I kept telling her no. I really hated making her go to bed hungry, but I also wanted a full night's sleep for everyone. I put her back in bed, and she sat on the edge of the bed staring towards the kitchen. She would stretch her little neck out as far as possible and let out a little plea for food. Being obedient not to get back down and go into the kitchen, she stayed right where I had placed her. I was proud of her for actually listening, but I really hated to watch her not have something she felt she needed. After watching this little scenario for a bit, Aaron finally said, "I'll take one for the team. If she needs to go out in the middle of the night, I'll take her. That way, she can go ahead and eat and drink."

Sometimes we sacrifice for the people we love. We bend and give not because it's convenient but because we care about them. We desire their needs to be met and their happiness to abound, and so maybe that means we place them above our own agendas and plans sometimes. We go out of our way to help them, spend time with them, and serve them, even if it costs us something of our own. Because the ultimate way to let someone know you really, truly care about them is to make a sacrifice on their behalf. Maybe it's your time, your money, your perfectly planned schedules, or your selfish desires, but when you get to a point to where you'll do things you didn't necessarily plan on in order to meet their needs and put their desires above your own, you know authentic love exists right there.

Dogs are really good at loving their people. No matter how you feel, how you act, what you say, or how you respond, they'll love you. Not because you're good looking, wealthy, powerful or popular. Not because you have all the answers or do all the right things. No, they'll love you even when you chose not to love them simply because that's their nature - to be pleasing and loyal to you. The love of a pet is so unique, so comforting, and so unconditional. And when you have something that treats you that way, and thinks the absolute world of you, it's pretty hard not to bend and sacrifice on their behalf because if the roles were switched, they'd do the same for us, too.

So, happy birthday, Scout! I am so grateful for another year to be your "mom." I am so proud of all that you've accomplished this year, as this has been a big year for you, too. You've been through a lot with me, and there's not been a day that has passed that you haven't made me smile or feel better in one way or another. I always appreciate your snuggle and kisses, even if you are a little overzealous with them sometimes. I can't imagine not having your tiny 4 pound self following me around when I'm home and sleeping right by my side each night. I suppose if there was one thing to pick out that I love the most about you it would be the fact that you are consistent. From day to day, your joy is the same. You are equally sweet to everyone you know and meet. You never fail to make me feel loved, and I really appreciate that. I'll always be convinced that you are the best pet to ever exist, and I'll never love another animal the same. You really have changed my life, as you have consistently stayed by my side through the absolute worst and the absolute best times. I couldn't ask for a better critter, and I don't think I could find one if I tried. Three years down, but you've got a long ways to go, sister. Who knows what this next year of life will bring. Whatever it may be, I am glad we all get to face it together - me, you, and Aaron - because I am pretty convinced that we make a good team. Happy birthday, sugar bear, I'm so proud you belong to me!

#673 - For another year with Scout!

"Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ. He loved us  and offered himself as a sacrifice for us, a pleasing aroma to God." - Ephesians 5:2


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