Reason #674

I was listening to Intentional Living this afternoon as I was getting ready for the day, and many of the listeners were calling in with stories of what they were thankful for and why. One of the callers told a story about his son saying "thank you," over and over when he took him on vacation one year. He talked about how much it meant to him and how his heart swelled because of the gratitude from his son. He said, "I realized how moved I was to hear my child thank me, and I wondered if God feels the same way when His children tell him thank you."

It's Thanksgiving, and we all have a lot to be thankful for. I don't know about you, but sometimes I find myself showing gratitude for the really big things and forgetting about the small things. Not that I'm ungrateful, I'm just not always mindful. But really, the way I see it, our days are made up with so many good things that go unnoticed or taken for granted. Things we just expect, and so we forget to be thankful. Yet if you could your blessings, and if you literally name them one by one, you really will be surprise at what the Lord has done.

I am thankful for...
Salvation and forgiveness
My husband
My family - the one I was born into and one I married into
Scout - the best dog of all time
My job
My health - so that I can have a job
My home and my car - luxuries I take for grated too often
Longevity and healing
God's provision - He always makes the ends meet and allows me to have more than I deserve
My church home
Freedom - in every form
A comfortable bed to sleep in at night
An education
Friends - both new and old
The living, breathing word of God
Living close to family so I can see them often
Truth - even when it hurts to hear
Fully function senses - all 5 of them
Trips through the valley because that's when our lives are changed
Trips up the mountain because they are so sweet
Words of encouragement and wisdom
New experiences
Opportunities to explore the world
Mercy and grace
New life
Second chances
God's perfect plan

It's easy to be thankful when things are going your way. When big blessings are falling and abundance is all you know, there's no reason not to be grateful. But there are seasons of drought. Seasons where goodness seems to be scarce, and the only thing you have an abundance of is misfortune. Keep breathing. Find the little things to be thankful for. Because, as with all seasons, they will end a new one will start. And when you begin to find your blessings not in the temporary things of this world, not in the things that only satisfy for a short time and can be quickly replaced, but you find your gratitude in the things God has done and is doing for you, you realize that you have so much to be thankful for.
Lord, I thank you for another year of life. For giving me breath each morning so that I can experience your goodness. Thank you for entrusting me with a job so that the bills can be paid each month. Thank you for making ends meet regardless of how much is in the bank account. Thank you for giving me a second chance practically every single day and for showing me grace when I deserve wrath. Thank you for forgiving me and giving me new life. Thank you for encouraging me through your word and for using it to reveal truth to me. Thank you for refining me, even though it tends to be a tough process. I am grateful that you don't give up on me. That you see me as valuable and useful and have a purpose for me. That you want what's best for me and make sure I receive that over what I selfishly ask for. Thank you for having a good and perfect plan. For working all things out for the good. For being on my side, whether in the valley or on the mountain top. For restoring my life when I didn't see how that would be possible. For crossing my path with Aaron when I least expected it. For giving me the opportunity to be his wife, even though I didn't deserve it. Thank you for surrounding me with so many incredible people on this journey of life. For supporting me, upholding me, comforting me, and taking care of me. But most of all, Lord, I thank you for loving me. For sending your Son to die for me. For giving me hope no matter how hopeless things may seem, and for always keeping your promises.  All I am and all I have, is thanks to you, Lord. Thank you, Father, for being so good to me.
#674 -  Because all I am, and all I have, is thanks to Him.
"Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good." - Psalm 136:1


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