Reason #235
“O Lord, what are human beings that you should notice them, mere mortals that you should think about them?” – Psalm 144:3
I ended my day with a cake pop yesterday. If you are unfamiliar with what a cake pop is, familiarize yourself with one. They are delicious little pieces of cake rolled into a ball and dipped in icing. Yum! I was wrapping up my day, fully prepared to go to bed without satisfying my sweet tooth, and I was surprised with a cake pop. Of course, my sweet tooth was pleased as I bit down into that sugary goodness, and I was very grateful for such a thoughtful gesture.
It’s nice to be thought of, to be remembered. And, really, how special does one feel when little acts of kindness are bestowed upon you? How nice it is to be considered, to receive something you don’t deserve, something nice that you didn’t even ask for. All simply because you were thought of. And it’s those small things that make a big difference, yet it’s the small things that often go unnoticed. The little things are usually taken for granted.
I realize, as I look over my years, that I’ve spent much time feeling entitled to receive only good things. Holding my hand out for the nice little surprises and clenching my fists tight if anything less was sent my way. But Job said it well when He said, “The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised.” (Job 1:21) Yet I am often times so unaware of all the Lord gives me because He is always pouring out so many blessings on me. Blessings that come in the form of “little things” on a daily basis but I’ve become calloused to them because I stopped looking for them, stopped appreciating them.
I love the words of King David above. Who am I that the Lord should be mindful of me? Who am I that He should care so deeply for me? Because I don’t deserve it. I don’t deserve to receive such goodness straight from His hand, however, He is so gracious to give me all things I don’t deserve. And I thought about how often He surprises me with little things. The things He knows will bring joy to my heart. Phone calls or e-mails from loved ones, an open afternoon to shop with my mom, a beautiful evening complete with a colorful sunset so that I can enjoy a walk outside, new friends that bring a lot of laughter into my life, big hugs, a song that speaks to my heart right when I need it. But most of all, answering my prayers when I call on Him. I have truly discovered that He is a listener. One who doesn’t forget the cries of His daughter. One who is mindful of her, who sees her and knows her. One who pays attention to her more than she realizes. And it blows my mind that the God of the universe makes it a point to listen, to lavish His love on me, to answer when I call, and to go out of His way to pleasantly surprise me with good things simply because He is thinking of me.
#235 – Because He thinks of me!
“When I look at the night sky and see the work of your fingers – the moon and the stars you set in place – what are mere mortals that you should think about them, human begins that you should care for them?” – Psalm 8:3-4
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