Reason #254

I have mixed emotions tonight. I am being challenged in every area of my life right now, and it's well... challenging. Really, it's tough. Confronted with change, confronted with truth, and being stretched thin all the while. And so my spirit is tired. Exhausted, worn out, and when I think I can't possibly take much more, more is sent my way. So I find myself unsure of what to do. Part of me wants to sit and be still, to do nothing, to retreat but the other part wants to go deeper, to face the challenges head on and grow. Because it's too sweet to pass up. True, deep intimacy with the Lord is worth it.

I woke up this morning feeling as if I hit a brick wall. Already feeling full to the brim and the physical exhaustion was coming into play. But I crawled out of bed 25 minutes late, thankful I could pull my hair in a ponytail for time's sake, and headed to church. I love Sundays but more than anything, I love sitting in the worship service on Sunday mornings and being still. I take the opportunity to be a sponge. To soak up the time I get to spend in praise and to be fed with such deep, good truths. I needed rest this morning, and I knew it, too. I needed the deep, peaceful rest that comes solely from the Lord. Because today, I felt like I had been pulled through the wringer.

Words began to show on the screen in the sanctuary and the sound of the piano filled them room. It was so peaceful, one of those moments that you'd just like to freeze. I sat ever so still and I watched the words dispay on the screen. Adjectives, descriptions of who God is. I thought about each one. As the song progressed, the chorus spoke to my heart. "Lord with every day, Lord, in every way. You're my everything." And I thought about who He is to me.

Source of Joy
Peace Giver
Unfailing Love
Head Lifter
Burden Carrier
Perfect Author
Blessing Giver
Forever Faithful
He is these things. Sure, scripture tells us He is and we know that all He is a God of His word, however, this list is not compose of things I've discovered in the living, breathing word of God. Rather, this list is composed of what I have experienced in my personal relationship with the living God. And for each word, I can tell you why He is this to me, but truthfully, I think the song summed it up quite well by saying He is everything. Because He is. In every breath, in every heartbeat, in every situation and circumstance, in every heart ache, in every joy, in every tear, in every smile, in every fleetig moment, in everything, He is!
And so I'm thankful that He takes time on Sunday mornings to meet with His tired, exhausted daughter to remind her that HE is her everything. That He always has been and always will be. So I know where to go, where to find just what I need, everything I need. And I praise Him for making it so simple, and for truly being my everything!
#254 - Because He is my everything.
"The Lord always keeps his promises; he is gracious in all he does. The Lord helps the fallen
and lifts those bent beneath their loads. The eyes of all look to you in hope; you give them their food as they need it. When you open your hand, you satisfy the hunger and thirst of every living thing. The Lord is righteous in everything he does; he is filled with kindness. The Lord is close to all who call on him, yes, to all who call on him in truth. He grants the desires of those who fear him; he hears their cries for help and rescues them. The Lord protects all those who love him..." - Psalm 145:14-20


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