Reason #416

I woke up on the wrong side of bed this morning. I'm not a morning person, we all know, and so, naturally, it takes a while for me to get going. I almost dislocated my knee cap getting out of the shower, and all I could think about was how much I wanted to be in bed. I wasn't ready for Monday at all. I drove to work feeling unprepared to take on a new day, but I didn't have much of a choice. Of course, I had no reason for being a grump. It seemed that I just couldn't help it. Well, I got to work, drank a cup of coffee, which I have come to acquire a taste for, and prayed for an attitude adjustment.

Yesterday we sang a song in church about God's goodness. This was not your traditional Southern Baptist Sunday morning song by any means. It was one of those hand-clapping, toe-tapping, hip shaking, hand-raising songs (for the few who have ventured into the contemporary world of worship ). Anyhow, you can't help but smile and sing your heart out when singing this song. It's one of those that instantly lifts your spirits. So, per my usual ways, I came home and listened to the song over and over and over and pretended I could sing just like the choir singing it. In fact, Scout may have the words down now. Anyway, not long after I asked for my attitude adjustment this morning, this song popped into my head. Again and again and again it played... all day. I even found myself humming it out loud throughout the day. God is good.

Sometimes we just need to remember that. We don't need a reason, we don't need an example, we don't need a justification. He is good. No matter what, all the time, He is good. I watched The Bible tonight on the History channel and was reminded of His goodness. From the beginning God has been good to us. Way better than we ever deserved. Good to protect us, to provide for us, to rescue us, to keep His promises. Good to forgive us, to accept us, to bless us and to love us. God is good to lavish mercy on us, to treasure us, to adopt us as His own, to give us abundant grace, to wipe away our stains, to clothe us in righteousness, to bear our burdens, to heal our brokenness, to make straight our paths, to shelter us under His mighty wings, to answer our prayers, to send His son to bear the weight of our sins and die our death, to offer us eternal life, and to come back for us. Need I go on? He is good, and I think it would be hard to argue with that. Sure, we have those mornings where things don't go as planned. We wake up on the wrong side of the bed, it's a Monday, and we're sleepy. And we have those seasons where we don't see or feel much goodness, things go from bad to worse, and we can't see the upside. But during those sesaons, on those mornings, it's important that we not only remember truth but that we declare it. And here's the truth, even when things aren't good, God is. And so we can always be thankful for that. If it seems we have nothing else to be thankful for, to give praise for, well, we can praise Him for always being good. Sometimes it just takes time, a few hours, a few months, many cups of coffee, and lots of prayers but you'll be able to look back and see His goodness. I guarantee it.

#416 - Because even when things aren't good, God is!

"Give me happiness, O Lord, for I give myself to you. O Lord, you are so good, so ready to forgive, so full of unfailing love for all who ask for your help." - Psalm 86:4-5


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