Reason #422

It has been a whirlwind of a weekend. A time change and a trip out of town have left me completely exhausted and not ready for Monday.

I've well learned that sometimes the Lord has to take you away from home to teach you a lesson. Take you away from your safety blankets and comfort zones and make you face your fears a little bit. Take away your control and remind you that you just simply have to trust Him. And that's where I found myself this weekend.

I hate being out of control. Aaron and I made a strategic trip to Dallas to take engagement pictures fully believing March would be a beautiful time. Of course, March is definitely a beautiful time, however, it rained cats and dogs in Dallas this weekend. I've been watching the forecast all week hoping, with every ounce of my being, that the rain would hold off and the sun would shine. I planned and prepared as best I could trying to pick out what to wear and even made sure to get my nails done before I left town. By Saturday night, I was to the point of having a meltdown. Things were not going as planned and the weather was looking dismal. To top it off, my nail polish that was supposed to stay on for weeks just so happened to peel right off of my fingernail and it was too late to get it fixed. I had had it. That was about all I could take. Queue meltdown.

But more than that, the weekend was full of unknowns that were completely out of my control. I didn't know what was in store, what was going to take place, or what to even expect. And so I quickly let my emotions take over only to find myself on the road home today wondering why I even allowed myself to get so worked up. Why did I even bother to worry or spend time in distress? Well, my name is Brittnye, and I am a control addict.

It was a good weekend. The rain stopped and engagement pictures were taken. All of my worries and unknowns turned out to be blessings, and the trip was just what I needed. And let me tell you, if I had a nickel for everytime I could take back my tendancy to over-react and over-analyze, I'd never have to work another day in my life. And so I was given another lesson about that this weekend. A lesson to extend grace, to quit panicking, to face fears, to let the little things go and concern myself with what really matters. And it's in these dramatic filled moments that I come to the realization of how fleshly I am. How far from perfect I am, yet God still loves me. Even when I have my meltdowns over silly things, even when I am scared out of my mind over seemingly nothing, even when I panick and get derailed by the small things, when I'm completely wrong and totally mess up, He still loves me. He still wraps me up tight, reminds me that everything is really going to be just fine. And I'm so thankful that He doesn't give up on me. That He doesn't get annoyed or put out but rather extends grace to me, relieves my fears, and always works things out as they should be.

#422 - Because He always extends grace to me.

"God’s law was given so that all people could see how sinful they were. But as people sinned more and more, God’s wonderful grace became more abundant." - Romans 5:20


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