Reason #477

I woke up yesterday morning, and I just felt that it was going to be a good day. I was able to grab a cup of my beloved chai before going to work, and I really do think it makes a difference. Anyway, the day went smoothly and 5:00 finally rolled around. I came home to find my sweet mom had cleaned up my wreck of a house and done all of my laundry, ironing included. A delightful dinner date was on the agenda followed by a text message from one of my dear friends announcing the arrival of her adorable baby boy. It was a good day! And today, well it was good, too. If only the weekends could drag out like the weeks, I'd be one happy girl. But tomorrow is the last day of the weekend, the last weekend I'll be just Brittnye. And it amazes me, as I've thought over all of the good things that have happened thus far this weekend, how God takes care of us.

Tonight, I saw pictures of baby Malcom, who entered this world on Friday. He is beautiful and perfect! I thought about his mom and his dad, whom I love to pieces, and how God has taken care of them. And I thought about Malcom, who is just starting out his little life, and how God has been taking care of Him for the past 9 months, too. And I even thought about how God has woven our lives in such a way that we've had the opportunity to help take care of one another a time or two. And today, as Aaron and I listened to the musicians practice the music that will be played at our wedding, I fought back tears. Tears of joy, of gratitude, of thanksgiving for how God continually takes care of me. For the detail that goes into motion the moment our tiny hearts start to beat in the darkness of our mother's womb. From that very second, He is taking care of us.

Spoken into motion, created from dust. He takes care of us. Of the lilies of the fields, the birds of the air, the trees of the forest, the beasts of the field, the fish in the sea, He takes care of them, too. Of tiny hearts, old hearts, aching hearts, healed hearts, He takes care of each one. From the moment I wake up, to the moment I go to sleep, and even until I wake up again, He is taking care of me. Watching over me, filling my lungs with breath, keeping my heart beat consistent, allowing blood to move from head to toe. I forget this so often. I forget that I am never lost in the crowd. I'm never overlooked or ignored. No, I am always taken care of. And not just by anyone, but by the Creator of the Universe, God Almighty. The Savior of the world, who has to much to tend to and look over, and yet He still finds time to take care of me.

I'm so grateful for that. For a God who takes care of us day in and day out, from the first day until the last. A God who never sees us as a burden or an obligation, but rather delights in us and treasures us. And I just praise Him for His attention to detail, for His perfect timing, and for caring that much about our individual lives from day 1.

#477 - Because there has never been a day where He hasn't taken care of me.

"Look at the lilies of the field and how they grow. They don’t work or make their clothing, yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are. And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you." - Matthew 6:28-30 


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