Reason #480

I made Scout go potty outside in the rain last night. I knew if she didn’t go before we went to bed, she’d wake me up around 2:00AM to go. She tip-toed around the back porch acting as if she was about to enter a mine field and made every attempt to come back in the house. I finally tossed her out into the yard, and she gave me this heartbreaking looks as if to say, “How could you do this to me?” I know she hates getting her paws wet, and I felt slightly bad for making her do something she hates. She tip-toed around a few more minutes before finally going, and she came back in with the infamous hurt puppy expression.
Sometimes I really am amazed at how much I love Scout. She really is family. I am going to miss that sweet girl next week when we are gone. Thankfully, I’m leaving her in good hands. In fact, she probably won’t even realize I’m gone. Scout will be staying with her “grandparents,” and you know how grandparents are. Good for loving and spoiling, and it doesn’t seem to matter whether it is a dog or children.
I have the most proactive, productive, helpful, reliable, organized parents in the world. Seriously, they are like the dream team of parents. They have done a fabulous job of holding me together over the past year and a half. I have depended on them for so much, and they have never let me down. They have mowed my yard, fixed things around the house, done laundry for me when I was swamped, cleaned my house when I was strapped for time, watched Scout, done various other errands like taking my car to get my oil changed, dropping off and picking up dry cleaning, and anything else I’ve needed. They’ve helped me out of any bind I’ve been in. When I felt my schedule was too tight, they did what they could to loosen it. When I felt pressured and burdened, they went above and beyond to lighten the load. I would count myself an independent, capable individual, however, sometimes I just need help. This is where that whole two are better than one concept comes in really handy!
The Lord knew we couldn’t do everything on our own. He created Adam a helper, and while we look at that in the husband and wife sense, I like to think that also applies to family. That’s what you do, you help each other. That’s why He gave us one another. And maybe not everyone sees family in this light, but I can’t thank the Lord enough for giving me a family full of helpers. Truthfully, I know I could call on any of them – grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, siblings- and they would help. People of their word, people with big hearts and helping hands, people who have always been there and always will be. Doing what they can, when they can, to make sure life is running smoothly and things are getting done.
This has been especially helpful over the past few weeks. My mom has run herself ragged with me trying to get things accomplished. My dad has gone on countless errands to pick up little things here and there and ordered the things we couldn’t find in stores. And last night, we worked out a most detailed schedule to make sure everything gets accomplished as intended. They’ve got their work cut out for them, too, at the end of this week.
I’m always thankful for my parents. Always have been. I can’t imagine life without them, and I’m so glad they are around to play such a significant role in my life. I’m sure they have their days where they’d like to just be, and not necessarily do, but you’d never know it. I’ve never felt like a burden or inconvenience, although I feel that might be the case every now and then. But it’s as if they want to help, want to be there, want to be a part of my life, and I just hope and pray that I’ve inherited their parenting-genes and future-child will look at me the same way, too!
#480 – Because He has blessed me with the most proactive, productive, helpful, reliable, organized parents in the world.  
"... parents are the pride of their children." - Proverbs 17:6


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