Reason #581

I have been looking forward to Friday all week long. Truthfully, this week has seemed so long that I couldn't remember what I did on Monday. Thank goodness tomorrow is Saturday and I don't really have to think.

I read a blog today about making every night a date night when you are married. As we all know, date nights only happen when you intentionally make them happen because you spend every night with the same person. And so the author gave a few helpful hints and tips, and after reading the blog, I was thankful to be married.

This is going to be another marriage post, FYI. Another post where I talk about sappy things and make a lot of lovey dovey comments. So feel free to either stop right here or bear along with me.

I think we go through seasons where we take marriage for granted. It's one of those things we hope for, pray about and dream of, but we are all guilty of taking our spouse for granted at some point in our marriage. I'm sure this is more up front than in the later years of marriage because appreciation grows over time. And just like any good relationship, the longer you know someone and the more time you spend with them, the more you become attached to them and realize you would be devastated to lose them. The better you get to know them, you realize you need them. You need their love, their friendship, their acceptance, their company, and their help. You need them to be a part of your life.

And so tonight, as simple as this may seem, I am thankful for my marriage. Sometimes I look at Aaron and I can't even describe how I feel. The fact that I am forever tied to him overwhelms me, in the best possible way, that is. That I get to fall asleep every night and wake up every morning to someone who loves, accepts, helps, forgives, encourages, and walks through life with me is one of the biggest blessings I could ever receive. When I am scared, I have someone to give me courage. When I am lonely, I have someone to keep me company. When I don't know what to do, I have someone to help me make a decision. When I can't do it on my own, I have a helper. When I am happy, I have someone to celebrate with. I have listening ears, an open heart, and a set of arms to comfort me. And, if that weren't enough, I have someone to live life with. A built-in friend who will go new places with me, try new things with me, and make life long memories with me.

It's the little things, as it always is. The little things that divide us or bring us closer together. It's the little things that matter the most, and it's usually the little things that leave the biggest impact. And so I just have to praise the Lord for the little things, all of the little good things about my husband and about marriage. The opportunity to lay in bed at night and talk about whatever we want to before drifting off to sleep, the early mornings when we stumble around the bathroom wishing we could still be asleep rather than rushing off the work, the evenings that we sit at the dinner table talking about our dreams and goals, and the walks our little family takes when we have the energy and the weather is nice. For the time we spend in prayer together, for the hugs goodbye and the hugs hello. For a hand to hold all the time. For nights to be lazy and watch movies. For weekend trips and opportunities to serve together. For bible study and for having someone to grow with. It's all of these little things and so many more that make me so thankful for my marriage, for my husband, and for the fact that God crossed our paths.

Marriage goes through it's seasons. Ask anyone that's been married any amount of time and they'll tell you that there are good days, bad days, and everything in between. But praise the Lord for those sweet seasons when everything is going well. For those seasons when love abounds, peace is prevalent, and joy is overwhelming. Because even our best days of our earthly marriages pail in comparison to what we'll experience when we get to spend the rest of our days before the throne of God. And as sweet as marriage is, we all know that one day death does us part. But that's not the case with God. Nothing ever separates us. And so it's up to us to enjoy the little things now, to soak up the time with our spouse while we can, to appreciate them to their fullest. Because they are a gift, marriage is a gift, and so is every day we get to spend together as husband and wife.

#581 - For my marriage.

"Give honor to marriage, and remain faithful to one another in marriage." - Hebrews 13:4


  1. I agree. Been married to an incredible Godly man for 40 years. You are right; it is the little things. Love your blog. So proud of you. Dee Ann Curry


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