Reason #811

Aaron and I used to stay up super late when we dated. He would leave my house usually around 11:30 or midnight, even on a "school" night, so we just lived tired. Of course, I had already developed the bad habit of not sleeping, and so that bled into marriage. The first few months were like a slumber party. We laid in bed and talked for the longest time, which made for good conversation but rough mornings. And so I've recently been trying my best to get to bed at a decent hour, and most nights I've been successful. But tonight we reverted to our old ways, and it was just like we were dating again.

We sat on our bed tonight talking about the Lord. We talked about our lives, we talked about our thoughts, opinions and feelings. And as we began talking, we started to say things like, "I have been thinking that lately, too." Or, "Funny you just said that, I was just about to say that." And I thought about the beauty in unity. About the miracle that happens in marriage where two actually do become one. And I realized that this takes place when we pursue the right thing...the Lord.

Aaron and I are a lot alike and yet we are very different. Some things match up and some couldn't be more opposite. But there will be these really divine moments where one of us will make a comment and the other one will be no only on the same page, but on the same word on that page. God will have laid it on both of our hearts, and we didn't even realize it. Sure, you could say that a lot of those moments occur with time and with learning one another, and while I can see the logic in that, I have to give credit to the Lord for this one. Because, although we've had some time to figure one another out, moments like these are too "random" to come by, and it's these situations that excite my heart for the years we have ahead of us.

It's good to be known like the back of your hand, and it's good to know someone else in that way. We always say we wish we could have the wisdom and experience of those 30-year couples now, but we know that doesn't happen over night. Yet I realize that the more we connect with God, the more we connect with one another. When our hearts and minds are in line with the Lords, we end up feeling and thinking the same way. And although I've known this truth my whole life, there's nothing I love more than seeing it play out before my very eyes.

Ecclesiastes says, "A cord of three strands is not easily broken." The truth is, there are days where I don't do so well as a spouse. There are days I fail miserably and I thank the Lord for the definition of commitment because that's all I have going for me. Yet the Lord keeps holding us together. Sometimes our strand is tied really tight, and sometimes it gets a little loose. Regardless, it hangs on because we've got the common strand woven around each one of us. That strand that gives us the help we need. That strand that keeps us attached. That strand that unifies us and always will. And so tonight my heart is grateful for unity, for the opportunity to be a part of the cord, and for Jesus who holds us together.

#811 - Because He holds our cord together.

"Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken." - Ecclesiastes 4:12


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