Reason #19

Today was a day of celebration! My dad celebrated another year of life. I am always grateful to get to celebrate birthdays with the ones I love. My dad and I are very close. In fact, he is my namesake. We have quite a bit in common aside from the fact that the first 5 letters of our names are the same. I've been very fortunate to have a great relationship with both of my parents, something I don't take for granted. My family members give me many reasons to smile, but tonight I'm going to highlight my dad.

My dad is a man of character and integrity. He is a modern day hero, but has been my hero since day one. My dad has always put our family first and is an example of selfless love. One of the things I love about my dad is that he can fix anything. He specializes in unclogging drains, repairing jewelry, replacing car parts, putting furniture together, painting, tiling, gluing, taping, carrying heavy loads, and other various tasks that I am incapable of doing. The Lord knew I needed a handy-dad! This man never gives up and always finds a solution. My dad knows how to make me feel loved and important. He's always encouraged me and built me up. He's supported me and given me confidence. One of my favorite, recent memories of my dad happened a few months ago. I was sitting at work having a rough day and I look up to see the security guard walking around the corner with my dad in tow. He showed up to give me a bright, yellow bouquet of flowers and a hug. I have received flowers before, but this is the most special bouquet I have ever received. Nothing warms a girl's heart more than having flowers brought to her by a man she loves! My dad has done many wonderful things for me over the past 24 years, but I don't have enough space to blog them all. I thank the Lord that he has blessed me with the best father out there and am so proud to call him my dad!

Not only am I thankful to have a wonderful earthly father, I'm also so thankful to have a wonderful Heavenly Father. I'm thankful that my Heavenly Father can also fix anything. I can come to him in any form of brokenness and he puts me back together. He also specializes in repairing and detailing every area of my life. He replaces the worn out parts, he bares the burden of my heavy loads, he builds beautiful things, he is selfless, he encourages me, he strengthens me, he gives me his power to do the things I feel incapable of doing, and he holds me up when my knees give out. He brings me flowers each spring and lovingly wraps his arms around me every day. He, too, knows all the ways to warm my heart.

So, happy birthday, sweet dad! I'm glad to celebrate another year with you.

Thank you, Lord for being the ultimate father and loving me in ways that only you can.

#19 - My dad!

"See how very much our Father loves us, for he calls us his children, and that is what we are!"- 1 John 3:1


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