Reason #336

I woke up this morning and my head felt like it weighed a ton. I successfully made it through an entire box of kleenexes today. One thing I do not scrimp on is kleenexes. I'll shell out the extra dollar for the ones with lotion in them. However, after the amount of times I've blown my nose today, I could blow my nose using a cloud and it would still hurt. Aside from that, I had a really incredible day. My co-worker had her sweet baby girl today, I went to a graduation celebration dinner, and my Christmas celebration was jump started tonight. And so, I must say it was a exciting day for me. A day full of happy things, a day full of celebration.

You never know how your day is going to go when you wake up in the morning. Sometimes you can get a feel for it pretty early off, but it's never a certain thing. Lots of factors play an influence in our day, and really, what make the biggest impact is the decision of others.

Strange, isn't it, that one person's worst day can be another's best. Strange how one heart can be breaking into a million little pieces while another can be so full it could burst with thanksgiving. And when you're the one on sitting on the side of devastation, it seems incredibly unfair. How can the world continue to move forward after what happened to you? How can people laugh and be happy and rejoice? Because when those devastating events happen, it seems only right that the rest of the world mourn with you. It seems wrong that you should be the one having to live out such a nightmare. Why you? And why are you the one who must be subject to someone else's decisions?

I don't understand, and the truth is, there isn't an answer. But I've felt it. I've felt that way before. Because misery loves company, and I was real upset I was wallowing in misery alone. Really upset that everyone else was getting to go on with life while mine was at a stand still. And today, my heart hurts for the people of Conneticut. Innocent people who are forced to suffer because of the selfish decisions of another. My heart aches for the parents who hugged their little babies bye this morning fully expecting to bring them home tonight. To feed them dinner and tuck them into bed. Parents who will have gifts sitting underneath their Christmas trees that will never be opened. My heart aches for children who had to witness pure evil play out in front of their very eyes. For teachers who spend more time with these children than their own parents do and they had to be part of this nightmare, too. It's not fair. It's not right. There is absolutely no explanation and no justification. No amount of apologies or rationalization will make it better. No one can fix it, and no one can change it. Unfortunately, time machines don't exist. And so no one saw this coming today. No one expected this. No one imagined this up in their wildest dreams. And why them?

This has been a tough month. A lot of devastation has been experienced around the United States. Devastation has hit in Lubbock, too. And it's Christmas time. Things like these should never happen, but especially during Christmas, right? Well, the thing is, we can find comfort in the fact that God sees. He is watching. God is hurting, too. A heart that is aching for His people. His children who have been allowed to endure suffering that won't end anytime soon, if ever. But that's the hope of Christmas. We have a hope that one day, suffering will be over. Because He came to comfort us. Wonderful Counselor, Might Comforter, Prince of Peace... and that's who He wants to be to us. Because long, long ago He knew we'd face tough situations. Long, long ago He knew tears would pour from our eyes and our hearts would be shattered. Long, long ago He knew that we would be selfish and hurt one another. And so He sent His son to begin the process of ending that. Opening up a way to the throne of the King of Kings, a throne we can approach confidently, where we can find peace and comfort when we need it. Where mercy and grace abounds. And so, it doesn't make sense. In my opinion, a broken heart is, by far, the most painful thing one can experience. But we serve a God who will, in a really powerful and incredible way, comfort us on our darkest days. A God who will ease the pain with time as we draw closer to Him. And I'm grateful for that. I'm grateful to know where to go to find true comfort and solace. And I'm thankful that He came to do that. To comfort all who mourn, to bring about true healing, and to faithfully walk with us through those days where we simply just don't understand.

#336 - Because He stays by our side even when we don't understand.

"Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me." - Psalm 23:4

"You have allowed me to suffer much hardship, but you will restore me to life again and lift me up from the depths of the earth. You will restore me to even greater honor and comfort me once again. Then I will praise you with music on the harp, because you are faithful to your promises, O my God." - Psalm 71:20-22

"Sing for joy, O heavens! Rejoice, O earth! Burst into song, O mountains! For the Lord has comforted his people and will have compassion on them in their suffering." - Isaiah 49:13


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