Reason #353

The last day of 2012. I can't believe it! Last year, I rung in the new year by watching a documentary over drug lords with my dad. I know that does sound pretty pathetic, but I'm naturally a homebody. I prefer to spend my evenings wearing sweatpants, wrapped in the blanket, and being a couch potato. But 2012 ended as quickly as it began, and I learned a lot about myself this year. I learned what I was capable of, but more than that, I learned what I was capable of doing with God on my side.

In 2012 I learned that I could:
Under-go massive amounts of change at one time
Drive in major cities and travel long distances by myself
Live on my own
Start a bible study from scratch and lead it
Rekindle past friendships and make them even stronger than before
Instantly make new friends that will last a lifetime
Kill bugs of any kind
Be brave and share my story
Overcome any obstacle placed before me
Hear God's voice anytime, anywhere

I learned that I am deeply loved. I learned about the power of prayer. I learned that no matter how dire your circumstances look, God can change them and make them better than you could ever dream. I learned that God hears our prayers, and more than that, I learned that God answers everytime. I learned that when you think you can hardly move, God will carry you. I learned that He won't give you anything that He, Himself, won't personally walk with you through. I learned that God can heal anything, emotional or physical. I learned that He will restore and redeem. I learned that God is a provider even when things don't add up. I learned that God will use you, no matter what you've been through, how you feel about yourself, what you think of yourself, or how qualified you feel. If you'll just let Him, if you'll just be open to it and offer yourself to Him, God will do really remarkable things for you and with you. Things you never imagined, things you never thought possible. And although I always knew it, although it was not news to me, the thing I learned most this year is that nothing is impossible with God.

And so 2012 has been the best year of my life. Starting out, I wouldn't have pegged it to be. But God knew what He was doing, and I can't praise Him enough for what's He has taught me and done for me this year. As good as 2012 was, I am so excited for 2013. I can't wait to see what all the new year holds in store.

#353 - Because of what all He's done in 2012.

“What is impossible for people is possible with God.” - Luke 18:27


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