Reason #636

Aaron's birthday is coming up. Last year, being that it was our first year to celebrate birthdays together, I racked my brain for ideas on how to celebrate. I am memories girl, and I always prefer a memory over a gift. Truth  be told, I've forgotten about most of the gifts I have been given over the past 26 years but I have yet to forget a really sweet celebratory memory. And, since it was our first time to celebrate Aaron's birthday, I wanted it to be good. I wanted him to be surprised, and I wanted him to know how much I cared for him. After all, no one puts a whole lot of time and effort into something if they don't really care. And so for weeks, I planned out the perfect birthday surprise. I have to say it was a success and is definitely one of our favorite memories. Well, it's that time again and Aaron is turning a quarter of a century on October 27. I would say that's definitely one worthy of celebrating, so I have made it my mission this year to make it another memorable one.

My idea was to celebrate his 25th birthday for 25 days, so starting 25 days out I have given him a little gift correlating to the number. For example, day 25 he got a $25 iTunes gift card, day 24 he got 2 dozen donut holes. I made little tags to go on each one with a saying about how Aaron makes my life better. And it's true, he does. And so we are on the downside of the gifts as his birthday is week after next, and I have to say that I'm glad. Good thing I'll have 5 years to come up with ideas for his next big birthday because I've pretty much used them all up here at the start.

So here's the thing, I love surprising Aaron. I love doing little things for him just to let him know how much he means to me. I love giving because I feel it's a way that I can show my love for him. I don't go around thinking about how to make other people feel happy and loved every day. I don't come up with little ideas of how to surprise my friends and family. I love them, too, but it's just different you know. Because, well, Aaron loves me differently than they do. He's stuck with me, by his own choosing, and so that entails a lot. A lot of work, a lot of effort, a lot of trying and forgiving, accepting and loving. It's no small task. And so giving him these little gifts help me express the way I feel about him in a different manner. Not that he needs them to know I love him.  Not that he is even expecting them. But sometimes I just have a hard time finding the right words, and so I like to use actions to drive my point home.

And as I have managed to come up with 25 days of little gifts for Aaron, I have thought about how the Lord does this for us, too. He knows what we like. He knows our favorite things. He knows what encourages us, and He knows just what to give us to light up our faces. Yet God's love for us is so much greater than any one thing we have, yet He is still so gracious to bless us with gifts. With beautiful sunrises, with rainfall, with perfect weather. He blesses us with pets, homes, families, and jobs. He gives us a song to sing, a word of encouragement right when we need it, a friend to help us, a memory to comfort us. He is a giver of such good things, things we don't deserve. But God gives  because He loves us, and it's just one of the many ways He reveals His love to us.

I am grateful to serve a God who takes the time to think of me. Who is intentional in the way that He loves me. Who loves through word and action, and who does so on a daily basis. Every...every...good and perfect gift is from above, and I'm grateful that we don't have to always wait until our birthdays to receive good things from Him!

#632 - Because He loves us through words and actions everyday.

"Dear children, let’s not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions." - 1 John 3:18


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