Reason #649

I thought I had four biscuits in the freezer. Turns out, I had three. I popped them in the oven, scrambled a few eggs, and warmed up some bacon. Breakfast for dinner. Ready in 15 minutes. I settled for two pieces of toast with jam, and Aaron ate biscuit/egg/bacon sandwiches. We are down to basically condiments, bread, and cheese in our house. I didn't go to the store this weekend, and I am holding off for as long as I can. In fact, I don't even have any Halloween candy for tomorrow. We may be giving out hugs and compliments to the trick-or-treater who come by. Anyway, sometimes I am thankful when I can squeeze a meal out of the random things I come across. It makes for a simple dinner and quick clean up.

After we ate, we went on a walk. It was cloudy and cool, and I could have walked for a couple of hours. There was something about the fall air that energized me. We got home, and as we sat on the couch talking, out of the blue Aaron said, "Do you want me to give you a massage?" I turned on our TV show, and relaxed as he rubbed the stress knots out of my shoulders. The rain began to fall outside, and Scout settled into my lap. I would love for every night to be just like tonight.

I just praise the Lord for good days and for slow days. For days that are just pretty darn close to perfect. For days when I get to experience some of my favorite things. For days when everything seems to go right. I thank Him for free time to rest. For the cooler weather and healthy legs so that we can enjoy walks. For keeping my pantry full even though it seems a little bare right now. For giving me a husband who will rub my shoulders without even being asked. For a the sweetest dog in the world. For sending rain. For hot showers and soft sheets. For cold medicine so I could rebound quickly. And for another day of life.

I talked a little about the Promised Land last night, and I've blogged about it quite a bit. But I like to think of these days as Promised Land living days. Days that are just pure sweetness. And not because of anything grand or extravagant, but because God is just continuously good to us. Maybe He's not parting waters right now, maybe He isn't speaking through a burning bush or raining down manna, but there are so many days that He surrounds us with milk and honey. I think, like the Israelites, we just focus too much on the "giants" hanging around that we overlook the great abundance of good things God has given us. But rather than worrying about what could go wrong, we should praise God for what is going right. Thank Him that today, we're getting milk and honey.

So this is short and simple tonight. Nothing fancy, deep, philosophical or reflective. Just grateful for a sweet day. Grateful that He would pour out such love on me not because I deserve it or did anything to warrant it, but just because I'm His. Thank you, Lord, for another day of life, and for a good and peaceful one at that.

#649 - For days that are flowing with milk and honey.

"The Lord said, “I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering. So I have come down to rescue them from the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land into a good and spacious land, a land flowing with milk and honey..." - Exodus 3:7-8


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