Reason #642

Today has been the day for big events. And so while I have some great news of my own to share, that can wait until tomorrow. Because today was a special day. Today, my grandparents celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary! That's right people. Six decades! I am so grateful they've had each other for 60 years, and I am grateful I've been able to be a part of 26 of those years.

I write about my grandparents all the time, so you probably feel like you know them. If you're from my hometown, you do know them. Just about everyone knows them! And so because my family is in to celebrating milestones, my mom organized an awesome surprise party for them today. They got to celebrate with a bunch of their church friends, and I only wish I could have been there, too. Working woman problems. Anyway, I just wanted to take some time tonight to brag on my grandparents a bit. Heavens knows they've bragged on their grandkids a million times over, so I think it's their turn. After all, I think 60 years definitely deserves some recognition.

Here's the thing about my grandparents. They are some of the most selfless people I know. And you know how you can tell that? Because their kids are the same way. You see, people don't grow up being naturally selfless. No, it's a learned behavior. Obviously, they did such a good job of serving and being selfless that their kids picked up on it. And if you ask me, imitation has to be on of the biggest forms of flattery. But it's so apparent in their lives, it's who they are. So giving, so considerate, thoughtful and loving. This is all I have ever know of them.

I've always had a close relationship with them, you know. But I really think things changed two years ago. If I'm being honest, I'm pretty sure that year changed my entire family. And so while it can so easily be seen as a bitter thing, it caused such sweetness. Because I remember the day I called my grandparents two years ago. I remember that I had taken a sick day, and I had worked my guts up to call them. I knew I had to tell them myself. I wasn't afraid to call them because I knew how the conversation would go. I knew they would love me and encourage me and pray for me. I just had a hard time calling them because well, I love them so much.

See, here's the thing. We want people to be happy, so spreading sad news is never fun. And because I know my grandparents, I knew this would break their hearts, too. But I sat on my back porch and I cried as we talked, both of them on the phone with me at the same time. They cried, too. And it was comforting to just cry with someone. It was comforting to be sad together. And I knew it would be okay because I had them on my side. I had a whole group of people on my side who were going to lift me up and pray me through it. And they did just that. They prayed and they prayed and they prayed some more. I finally remember when all was said and done. My granddad said, "I want to talk with you some day soon." I knew what this meant. I knew this was going to be one of the most encouraging conversations I would have because Granddad is super uplifting and wise. And so that day came. We went over to take down Christmas decorations. My Grandmother had made brownies for me because she knows they are my favorite and was on a mission to get some meat back on my bones. I sat in the kitchen eating a brownie and my Granddad talked with me. I cried because I was really sad, but I knew everything he said was true. And my heart was breaking because I had always thought I'd have what they had and I was wrong. They had made it 58 years, and I had hardly made it 2. All I wanted was to grow old with someone, and I felt like such a failure. Yet he spoke to me with such love and compassion. He didn't speak down to me or try to tell me what I should have or could have done better. He gently spoke to my biggest fear without me even voicing it because that's how in tune with the Lord he is. He had been praying so much for me, that he spoke the very words my heart desired. And, because he has been a good, faithful, Godly husband for so many years, he knew what he was talking about. I'll never forget what he told me. I'll never forget that moment we shared by ourselves in the kitchen for as long as I live. And when I think back on it, I just praise God for having a plan in place 60 years ago because He knew exactly what I would need.

I could talk about them forever, about what good examples they have been to everyone in my family. About how they are so supportive, how they've made a point to never miss a birthday, a holiday, a graduation, wedding, shower, awards assembly, recital, or school play. About how they have loved their family with a deep love. How they have set the standard for service. I could praise them for sticking it out for 60 years. We all know that's a huge feat in itself. For raising 3 successful, Godly kids and for equally loving and spoiling all 9 of their grandkids. I could talk about how compassionate, tender, understanding, sympathetic, helpful, and giving they are. I could say a lot. But I really just want to say thank you, Lord. Thank you for introducing Grandmother and Granddad. Thank you for crossing their paths so that they could fall in love. For giving them 3 kids, one of whom I am partial to, so that I could be here. For placing me in a family like this. Something I don't deserve and could do nothing to earn. No, it's only by you're grace and favor that I am here. Thank you for giving them 60 years of marriage. For being the glue that held them together. Thank you for having such a big plan. For knowing who I needed to belong to long before I ever existed. Thank you for putting us all together.

And Grandmother and Granddad, thank you! Thank you for being obedient to the Lord. For trusting Him always. For seeking Him daily. Thank you for consistently living out your faith. For being there for me through the ups and downs. Thank you for your prayers, for your love, for your support. Thank you for crying with me and for rejoicing with me. For unconditionally loving me, and for always lifting my spirits. And thank you for even doing the little things, like reading my blog everyday. Grandmother, you didn't think y'all would make it to 60, but you did! I fully anticipate that you will easily squeeze in one more decade. At least, that's the expectation. 60 years in the making, and you've done an incredible job! I love you both more than words can say, and I hope you know that.

Happy 60th Anniversary!

#642 - For 60 years of Granddad and Grandmother!

"Understand, therefore, that the Lord your God is indeed God. He is the faithful God who keeps his covenant for a thousand generations and lavishes his unfailing love on those who love him and obey his commands." - Deuteronomy 7:9

(As if you've not already seen enough wedding pictures by now...)

(This is what they're like all the time! Can't help but love them!)


(Granddad... the only one who ever remembers to bring his camera.)


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