Reason #647

Great is thy faithfulness
Oh God thy father
There is no shadow of turning with thee
Thou changest not, thy compassions they fail not
As thou hast been thou forever wilt be
I don't think I'd know what to do with my life were it not constantly changing. I look forward to the evenings where I have nothing to do. The weekend when nothing is going on. And there are times I would like for things to just stay the way they are.
I woke up from a really bad dream last night. I don't remember it all in detail, but I just remember waking up scared. Scared because a bad change had come about. But the truth is, life is changing every day. Some of it is really good, some of it not so much. And it's kind of hard to keep up with it all if you ask me.
I used to think things would slow down and become more consistent when I got out of college. Wrong. I used to think life would change less when I got married. Wrong. I used to think things would be more stable when I started working full time. Wrong again. Each year I go through so many huge changes that I look back and am amazed at how I've gotten through it all.
Well, the truth of the matter is, change never stops. Ever. It's an ever present, continuous thing. And as I stood in church yesterday, we sang one of my favorite hymns. Usually I focus on the chorus of this one being sure to highlight God's great faithfulness. But the first verse stood out to me yesterday, and I just praised the Lord that He doesn't change.
People change every day. We get older each day, we go through different experiences and challenges each day, our moods change, our health changes, perspectives change, and our relationships change. But I just praise the Lord that even through all of the changes I seem to go through, He doesn't change. I praise Him for simply being so constant and reliable. For never changing His ways or His word. And what's more, I praise Him for loving me consistently every day. No matter how moody I am, how happy I am, how sick, anxious, worried, or different I am, His love for me doesn't change. His compassions never fail even when the things of this world do. His faithfulness is reliable regardless of the time or day. Because for as much joy and excitement change can bring, it can also bring stress and heartache. And so I am forever grateful that when it comes to the Lord, we don't have to worry about that. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Thank you, Lord, for never changing!
#647 - Because He never changes and His compassions never fail.
"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." - Hebrews 13:8


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