Reason #828
I received a utility bill that was unusually high yesterday. Really, it’s about three times what it normally is. And the moment I opened that envelope, I was mad. I thought to myself, “They have made a mistake. There is no way we’ve used this much water in a month with just the two of us.” And so I decided I would call them this morning to inform them of this potential error. This was too far out of the norm to assume it must be correct, and I was not about to pay for someone else’s oversight. The customer service representative told me a meter reader would be sent by to check the number on the meter today and asked me to call back on Monday for an update. Of course, ensuring that they would not try and trick me, I asked my dad to go over and check the meter while I was at work. That way, I’d have the number to compare to their reading and I’d know the truth. My dad called me at lunch to inform me that the meter actually matched what the bill said, and that was not the answer I was looking for.
I asked my dad why he thought this happened. Was there a leak? Was there something wrong with the meter? How could the bill have jumped that drastically from last month to this month? He said, “Sometimes, they make an assumption about the amount of water you are using. It’s a good guess, and when they come read the meter, they make the adjustments. I think that’s probably what happened and you’re having to pay for the underestimated months.” I told him this practice was completely unfair and that it wasn’t my fault their records were inaccurate. He said, “Well, you have two things to be thankful for. One, you have access to clean, useable water the moment you turn on your faucet. A lot of people have to carry their water in a bucket every day. Two, you can afford to pay for it.”
I am reading a book on prayer, and I seriously should just blog a page a day because it is so good. As I sat at lunch, feeling frustrated and a little discouraged about the water bill and a few other issues, the Lord began to speak His truths to me with each page I read. The author talked about how often we don’t ask things of God. We aren’t bold in our prayers because we fear they may not get answered the way we want. And, when we do ask things of God, we have a hard time giving up control and surrendering completely to His will. And, even then, we overlook the fact that Jesus said we can ask for anything in His name, according to His will. However, we forget to remain in Him, the vine, and so we really don’t even know what His will is. We’re just asking, half-heartedly, and then telling Him how to answer it.
But here’s the thing, our Father hears our prayers and He knows the answer before we even find the courage to lay it at His feet. I have found that when I am open and honest with the Lord, truly seeking an answer rather than telling Him how to answer, He tunes my heart to His will. All of the sudden, I begin to see things differently and my heart begins to change. I begin to see it from His perspective and I realize that He is right. Always. And I realize that His answer is most clear when I take a step back, lay down my defenses and expectations, and take Him at His word. When I quit expecting instant gratification wrapped in the box of my choosing but rather open my eyes to see what God is doing, I don’t end up having to wait as long. Because the truth is, a lot of times we wait and wait and wait for an answer when we already have one. If we would accept it, we’d see that God isn’t this slow moving naysayer but rather a God who actively responds to our pleas, just like any good parent does.
I see God, the Father figure, through my own dad. Because my dad is a responsive man. I can ask anything of him, no matter how big or small, and he will take care of it. And if I’m in desperate need, I know I can count on him to be there. If I have a question, he will give me an answer. It may not always be the one I am looking for, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t an answer. Yet my dad goes beyond just a simple yes or no sometimes. He gives me something to think about and reminds me of the things I have to be grateful for. He helps change my perspective so that I can see outside of my own little selfish box. And that’s exactly what God does. A lot of times, the answer comes in a changed heart and renewed perspective. It comes from letting God take you over and refine you so that you know His will, understand it, and realize that He is for you.
A good father is always there for his child. Always prepared and ready to answer her. He is reliable, trustworthy, and always looks to her best interest. He may tell her no sometimes. He may make her wait. He may ask big things of her, or he may give her exactly what she is asking for. But regardless, she can rest in assurance knowing that whatever it is, she can tell him. Whatever her needs, they’ll be met.
Ask boldly, surrender completely, and let God take it from there.
#828 - Because we can ask boldly knowing that He already has an answer.
"But if you remain in me and my words remain in you, you may ask for anything you want, and it will be granted!" - John 15:7
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