Reason #842

I wrote about my mom on Sunday in honor of Mother’s Day. She and I have a really close relationship, which I am thankful for day after day. But I have an amazing dad, too. My mom has played a significant role and shaping me into who I am today, but so has my dad. Truthfully, I embody a whole lot of characteristics and traits from the both of them. And when I really stop and think about them, I realize how fortunate I am to have them as my own.
My dad finished up his second semester of college earlier in the month and took a entrance exam today for the program to which he is applying in January. I always brag about how my dad, after 31 years of being a police officer, went back to school. College is intimidating, and I can imagine it really is when you’ve been out of it for a few decades. But my dad is basically fearless, and so he has zipped through his classes and found success with each one. He is an inspiring person.
My dad brought me flowers last week. It’s the unexpected deliveries that are the best. I was completely surprised when I turned the corner of my desk and saw a little gift bag with bright orange flowers poking out of the top. My heart definitely melted a bit. I pulled the card out to read it, and it said, “Breathe in, breathe out, and move on.”
My dad is usually a man of few words. I get my conversational abilities from my mom. Yet even though he tends to fall more on the quiet side, he has a way with written words. A way to simplify things yet make them really memorable. A way to encourage you and make you feel loved and supported. A way to remind you that life is bigger than whatever you’re going through at the moment, and so you keep pressing on.
All girls should have a dad like I do, and I wish all girls did. A dad who loves you no matter what. Who supports you in everything you do. Who truly makes you believe that you can conquer the world. A dad who tells you how beautiful you are. A dad who treats you with respect and who, by his actions, shows you what an upstanding man looked like. A dad who will do anything at the drop of a hat for you. Who is so reliable, loyal, and dependable. One who you can count on to always come to your rescue. A dad, who although he may not quite know what to say, understands your heart and goes out of his way to cheer it up on the days it feels low. Every girl should have a father who defends her, who values her, who sees great worth in her. A father who can be totally and completely trusted with every aspect of her life and her heart. A father who makes time for her, who ensures she knows she’s a priority, and who never stops being her dad no matter how old she gets. One who helps her see that life is so much more, and that no matter what comes her way, she can keep moving forward.
So thanks, Dad, for loving me like the Lord loves His children. For being such a good father to me every single day of my life. For believing in me and for always making me feel like I was one of your most precious treasures.  It does a girl’s heart good to know that her dad not only sees her true value but that he sees her as irreplaceable. To be held in such high esteem, to be thought of and treated so, is more than I deserve. Because of you, of how you’ve loved me and cared for me, I am the person I am today. I often believe that strength, while it can be innate, is often learned by watching. Seeing how you’ve persevered through life, how you’ve always taken on a challenge and never given up, taught me to do the same thing. And although my strength pales in comparison to yours, thank you for always reminding me it’s there. Like you said, I just have to breathe in, breathe out, and move on. Your intentionality, your wisdom, and your kindness continue to bless my life!
#842 - For an intentional father.
"See how very much our Father loves us, for he calls us his children, and that is what we are!" - 1 John 3:1


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