Reason #837

I never know what to say for Mother's Day. I mean how do you sum up all of the gratitude moms deserve in one day? If we thanked our moms every single day for all they have done for us, we'd still be short on time. At least I know I would. And so today is the day we honor or moms for being just that. For being the women who were not only brave enough to give birth to us but then to faithfully raise us, diligently love us, and mold us into the people we are today.

We discussed Proverbs 31 in bible study today, and as we went through the comprehensive list of what a Godly woman, wife, and mother looks like, it was easy for me to check every single one of those things off for my mom. She is the Proverbs 31 woman, without a doubt. I shared with my class at how I was really amazed by my mom. She's like superwoman, and if you know her, you know this is an accurate statement. She can balance any and everything and make it look seamless. No matter what the challenge is, she accepts it with dignity and grace and is able to complete the mission. And so this is what I grew up watching. A mother who pursued the Lord, who loved her family, served those around her, passed on joy and laughter where ever she went, and had infinite amounts of wisdom for all of life's problems. But the most important thing my mom ever did for me, the thing I will appreciate for the rest of my life, the very thing that changed my life and turned me into the person I am today, is that she showed me how to love Jesus. She walked the walk, she lived out an authentic faith, and through raising me and loving me, she led me to know Him as well.

"When it snows, she has no fear for her household; for all of them are clothed in scarlet." - Proverbs 31:21

When it snows. Because it is going to snow. Your season of winter, of barrenness, of death will come. It may not come annually, and it may come out of no where. But winter will find you, and it will snow. But she doesn't fear. She isn't afraid of the snow. Of the bitterly cold wind whipping around her, cutting through her bones. It doesn't terrify her. Sure, it makes her a little uncomfortable, but she can handle it. She can take it because she was prepared. She didn't know when this day would come or if it would, and she didn't expect it, but she prepared for it. Because she clothed herself in scarlet. In the scarlet red blood of the Savior, she was washed. Washed whiter than snow. Purified and set aside. Sealed and protected, and she was prepared. But so was her family because she centered them around Jesus. Her kind heart, her loving words, her encouraging spirit, constantly drew them to the Lord. She kept the fire burning in their lives through her diligent, relentless prayer, even if it seemed to be flickering. She didn't give up on them because she had taught them the truth. She studied their bible drill verses with them. She sang the children's church songs with them. She exemplified for them what a true servant of God looked like, and her family was prepared. All of them, clothed in scarlet. All of them, washed in the blood. And no matter what would come, she didn't have to fear.

But that day came and she sat with her arms wrapped around her daughter who sobbed as her heart was broken in two. Winter had come in the early fall and she began to pray. And every day she would pray over her daughter. With vigor, she would take notes in church and eagerly share the hope of God's goodness with a girl who so desperately needed to hear it. She would send her text messages so many mornings with reminders of love from God's word. And she would listen. She would sit at the end of the bed and listen to her daughter talk about how hard it was. She would listen to her talk about what all God was teaching her. And she would be sure to praise God for what He was going to do because she never once doubted that His plan was greater and good things were in store.

And she was right. She always is. She knew God would work it all out because she knows Him. Every morning, as she ate her bowl of oatmeal just as she's done for years and years, she spent time with Him. Reading His word, talking with Him, and she knew our God had faithfully robed us in scarlet for a time such as this. A winter we'd be able to withstand. She knew we'd get through because He is faithful to deliver, and God heard her prayers. He heard mine, too. And I thank the Lord every day for the mother I have because had it not been for her faithfulness to always point her children to the Lord, I would have never made it through winter.

Thank you, Mom, for all you've done for me. For carrying me 9 months and choosing to allow me to have life, as God intended from the start. Thank you for raising me, feeding me, nurturing me, and molding me into the woman I am today. Clearly, I wouldn't be where I am without you. Thank you for making Jesus the center of our home. For praying for both Kenlee and me because, as you know and have seen, your prayers have changed our lives. Thank you for giving of yourself constantly. For always making time for me. Thank you for never being too busy to talk and for always lending your ear. Thank you for walking through the valleys with me and rejoicing on the mountain tops with me. For being my cheerleader and for supporting me always. Thank you for helping me see the bright side when darkness creeps in, and thank you for always reminding me that God's plans are greater than I could possibly imagine. Most of all, thank you for preparing me. Thank you for leading me to Jesus and continuing to disciple me all of these years so that when the storms came, I could firmly stand. Knowing our futures, God knew full well I needed a mother like you for that very reason. Like we've learned, nothing is ever by chance, so I praise God for His intentionality in pairing us up. Behind every great man is a great woman, and behind every great child is a great mother. Thank you for being that to me. I love you!

#837 - Because she always pointed us to Jesus.

"Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: “Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.” - Proverbs 31:28-29


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