Reason #403

"Boaz went over and said to Ruth, “Listen, my daughter. Stay right here with us when you gather grain; don’t go to any other fields. Stay right behind the young women working in my field. See which part of the field they are harvesting, and then follow them. I have warned the young men not to treat you roughly. And when you are thirsty, help yourself to the water they have drawn from the well.”
- Ruth 2:8-9
I don't know how she felt harvesting the leftover grain. I'm sure this was a new experience for her. I doubt this was something she had done before. But Ruth was doing what she could. Trying her best to provide for herself and a bitter mother-in-law. A long and tiring prociess, and I bet she didn't even really know what she was doing. She just followed along, picking up what was left on the ground. Leftovers. That's it. That's all she was getting. She was a widow, a foreigner, a woman. She wasn't going to get the cream of the crop. She was lucky to even get what was on the ground. But she was grateful for it anyway. God's provision comes in many different forms and this was just one of them for now.
But Boaz noticed her. A lowly woman. A woman with a crushed and tired spirit, I'm sure. She had been through a lot. Totally uprooted and devastated and now she was having to figure out this new life. In a new place, away from everything and everyone she knew, and Ruth was having to put the pieces back together again. I don't know what prompted him to notice her. I don't even know what caused him to converse with her or show her any favor. Maybe he didn't know why either. He probably just felt led to do it, and knowing the type of man he was, I'm sure Boaz always followed God's prompting. It's a good thing he did.
He pursued her. Minding her own business, working quietly just to make it, and Boaz sought her out. He asked about her and then he thoughtfully approached her. He knew of Ruth. Mere vereses before, he was reminded that she was the Moabitess widow. The label stuck with her. It was how they referred to her. But Boaz looked at her, noticing more about her character than her label. And although he had this information, he didn't make mention of it. He saw Ruth. Ruth, the woman who was hard at work to provide for herself and her mother-in-law. Ruth, the woman who had a soft yet diligent spirit. Ruth, a strong woman who didn't sit idle or make excuses. Ruth was so much more than where she came from and what she had been through, and that's what he noticed right away. And so Boaz stuck up for her. A man of character, a Godly man, and he didn't take his role lightly. He assumed the role of her protector and provider. Not because he had to. He didn't have to even acknowledge her. He wanted to. There was something about her that stirred these feelings in him and he wanted to make sure Ruth was taken care of. He said it, and he made it happen.
I can only imagine the relief that washed over Ruth as God's provision just multiplied in a big way. Going from a helpless, weak widow to a woman who was now being looked over and provided for, well, that was a blessing straight from God's hand. And don't you know Ruth probably stood there with her mouth hanging wide open in disbelief. When she showed up that morning, she didn't expect that to happen. She didn't imagine Boaz would ride in a save the day. She was just hoping to fill her basket with enough grain to take home and make dinner for two. She was expecting only leftovers but was given priority and first pick. And maybe it didn't seem like she deserved it. But if you think about, she kind of did. Because God really does want the best for us, and when we are obedient, He will make sure that happens.
As I think about Ruth tonight, my heart is overwhelmed as I realize I, like Ruth, went out only expecting leftovers. Keeping my eyes to the ground just hoping that I would come across something. And yet God, in all of His providential goodness, didn't allow that to happen. Rather, He lifted my head and gave me the cream of the crop. Sweet blessings that I never expected. And no, I didn't deserve it. In fact, I still don't think I do. But I am just reminded again that God wants the best for us. Not just the so-so, or the "that will do," but the best. And we see Boaz and we realize how gracious God is. How kind and compassionate He is. Because Boaz's character exudes God's character. We see so many similarities between the two, and I think we could definitely agree that Ruth's tough days were coming to an end. As she was harvesting grain, she was harvesting a lot of other incredible blessings, too!
And I just have to say I'm thankful for the Boazes of the world. I'm thankful for Godly men who are obedient to the Lord. Men who honor their word as much as they honor God. Men who exude and exemplify the character of our God. Who stand up for what's right, who are protectors and providers, who keep their priorities straight, who are honorable and dependable. Men who are loyal and kind and caring and don't take advantage of others' vulnerabilities. Men who look past the outside, the label, the history, and look at the heart and character. These men are far and few in between, and I don't think they get the praise they deserve sometimes. It can be discouraging. It can be frustrating. But I read about Ruth and Boaz, and I think about my own life, and I just prasie the Lord that there are still Boazes in this day and age. And maybe we have to get ourselves into a "Ruth" situation before we open our eyes and see that. But if that's what it takes, well then, it's worth it. I definitely think so, and I bet Ruth would agree.
#403 - Because of the Boazes of the world!
"Ruth fell at his feet and thanked him warmly. “What have I done to deserve such kindness?” she asked. “I am only a foreigner.” “Yes, I know,” Boaz replied. “But I also know about everything you have done for your mother-in-law since the death of your husband. I have heard how you left your father and mother and your own land to live here among complete strangers.  May the Lord, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge, reward you fully for what you have done.” - Ruth 2:10-12


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