Reason #457

I took dance for many years growing up. We were taught that as we turned we needed to have a spot. I remember lining up to spin across the room, and the only way to keep your balance and go the right direction was to have a particular spot to guide you. The trick was to keep your eye on that spot for as long as you could and then quickly turn your head to find it again. That way, you wouldn't get dizzy and you'd make your way across the room seamlessly.

I got ready for bed tonight and I heard a song by Israel Houghton called "Jesus at the Center." Through out the entire song he says, "Jesus at the center of it all." And I thought about that phrase. Because here's the truth, some times I don't always keep Jesus at the center of it ALL.

I am going through a lot of changes right now. Good changes, of course, but it can be hard to keep my focus. In fact, it can be hard to keep my focus off of me. And so sometimes I start to get dizzy when I think about all of it. When I try to figure out how I'll take care of this, how I'll handle that, what I need to do here, where I need to go with this. It seems as if I may never get it straightened out just as I'd like. But I start to realize that I'm not keeping Jesus as my central spot. I'm spinning and spinning and making little to no progress because I've not made Him the center and I'm not letting Him guide me to where He needs me to be. Rather, I'm trying to spin myself right where I want to be.

There are certain things in particular that I really want to control. Things I don't want to give up. Things I want to keep for myself. But I realize that these things fell into my lap because Jesus was and is the center of it. He guided me there because my eyes were on Him. I was watching Him, trusting Him, moving towards Him and He placed me where I am. And so it's hard to move on, sometimes. It's hard to imagine something else. It's hard to step back and realize that it's Jesus who really is the center of it all, not me. And I suppose when you look at things that way, when you realize that the only thing that matters is if He's in the mix, if He's the one receiving the focus, then everything will work out just fine.

And so I'm reminding myself to keep Jesus as the center of it all, not just of some things. That as I continue to move forward, as life continues to spin in circles around me, I just need to keep my focus on Him. I don't want to end up dizzy, disoriented and in the wrong place because I took my eyes off of Him. And so I want Him to be my spot. Be my center and guide me. From the beginning to the end. And I know that if I'll just keep my eyes on Him, He'll seamlessly lead me to the exact place He needs me to be.

#457 - Because He leads us to where He needs us if we keep Him the center of it all.

"I lift my eyes to you, O God, enthroned in heaven. We keep looking to the Lord our God for his mercy, just as servants keep their eyes on their master, as a slave girl watches her mistress for the slightest signal." - Psalm 123:1-2


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